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Arcady Ice Cream Parlour Pt. 1

by maxon Posted 14th Aug 2016 at 8:24 PM - Updated 2nd Sep 2016 at 3:13 AM by maxon
42 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 15 Feedback Posts, 26 Thanks Posts
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Meet Me In My Next Life
#26 Old 22nd Aug 2016 at 3:15 AM
Quote: Originally posted by maxon
@Simonut - as it says on the download page, this is a food. Sims prepare it from the fridge so I don't think it would work on a community lot (unless your sim owns it of course)

Ok thank you It is a good idea.

"Nothing in life is a Surprise it just happen to come your way at the time".
Mad Poster
#27 Old 23rd Aug 2016 at 2:47 PM
Guess what I will be building this week :)
Forum Resident
#28 Old 28th Aug 2016 at 3:55 AM
This will add a big scoop of fun to my game! ((Thank You))
Test Subject
#29 Old 31st Aug 2016 at 11:49 PM
So... where do I FIND this in my game? None of it is showing up
Mad Poster
#30 Old 6th Sep 2016 at 5:54 PM
Now, if you'll just arrange to have each and every one of these ice cream tubs delivered to my house. Sorry, going stir crazy from the surgery.
Test Subject
#31 Old 11th Sep 2016 at 12:38 AM
I love this idea! Can't wait to use it. :)
The Great AntiJen
retired moderator
Original Poster
#32 Old 11th Sep 2016 at 12:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by David111567
So... where do I FIND this in my game? None of it is showing up

@David111567 as it says on the download page, this is a food so your sim 'cooks' it. It's cloned from the gelatine, so they get it out of the fridge.

Sorry it took me a while to answer, I missed your post.

I no longer come over to MTS very often but if you would like to ask me a question then you can find me on tumblr or my own site tflc. TFLC has an archive of all my CC downloads.
I'm here on tumblr and my site, tflc
Top Secret Researcher
#33 Old 15th Sep 2016 at 10:45 PM
Thank you
Mad Poster
#34 Old 21st Sep 2016 at 5:31 PM
So many varieties of ice cream for my Sims! (And a couple of these are my favorites, too.) Thank you!

But since this is cloned from gelatin, I would think that if, in the future, I want to delete one, that should be OK? I doubt it would leave a memory, but I'd want to make sure.
The Great AntiJen
retired moderator
Original Poster
#35 Old 22nd Sep 2016 at 12:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by gazania
So many varieties of ice cream for my Sims! (And a couple of these are my favorites, too.) Thank you!

But since this is cloned from gelatin, I would think that if, in the future, I want to delete one, that should be OK? I doubt it would leave a memory, but I'd want to make sure.

I'm not sure @gazania whether gelatin can be a favourite food. I'll see if I can find out.

I no longer come over to MTS very often but if you would like to ask me a question then you can find me on tumblr or my own site tflc. TFLC has an archive of all my CC downloads.
I'm here on tumblr and my site, tflc
Test Subject
#36 Old 31st Oct 2016 at 3:08 PM
Thank You!!
Mad Poster
#37 Old 18th Feb 2017 at 6:33 PM
Thank you
Test Subject
#38 Old 19th Aug 2017 at 6:14 AM
Lab Assistant
#39 Old 2nd Jun 2020 at 8:33 AM
Wow! every flavor imaginable! Thanks!
Lab Assistant
#40 Old 4th Jun 2020 at 8:43 PM Last edited by sandya : 5th Jun 2020 at 8:49 AM.
Figured it out never mind. I really love this.
Test Subject
#41 Old 31st Jul 2023 at 9:29 AM
Default Where can you get the display counters?
Mod works great! Just was wondering where those display counters come from? Not the standard bakery ones
The Great AntiJen
retired moderator
Original Poster
#42 Old 4th Aug 2023 at 12:18 AM
Quote: Originally posted by dröpbear
Mod works great! Just was wondering where those display counters come from? Not the standard bakery ones

The half-size ones? They're on here somewhere.


Yes, they're part of this set: The cream recolours are one of my quick and dirty recolours and I have not released them. If you want them, I can stick them up on my site for you

I no longer come over to MTS very often but if you would like to ask me a question then you can find me on tumblr or my own site tflc. TFLC has an archive of all my CC downloads.
I'm here on tumblr and my site, tflc
Mad Poster
#43 Old 16th Oct 2023 at 7:56 PM
These make really cute desserts for restaurants if you add them to the menu (fway has a tutorial on how ). Really lovely creation, thank you so much <3
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