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Mr.Maritime Aquarium! (UPDATE Crystal Creations Patch 10/3)

by simsi45 Posted 11th May 2020 at 8:12 PM - Updated 10th Mar 2024 at 12:03 PM by simsi45
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#26 Old 10th Mar 2024 at 10:24 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsi45
@Atalanta Both of my aquariums have now been updated! To function properly, please redownload AND repurchase the items in-game, have fun!

merci beaucoup
#27 Old 20th Mar 2024 at 5:53 PM
Hi @simsi45

May I ask what exactly needed an update? I'm asking because my version still works fine and I wonder if I really need to update. Compared the tunings and couldn't see any differences.
My game is patched to the latest 1.105.345.1020, but I don't have the cristal pack.
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#28 Old 20th Mar 2024 at 8:53 PM
@LuvMySimz In simple words the Crystal Creations patch changed the way some tunings are read, so as my aquariums use a custom tuning they aren't really functional for people that don't have certain packs. It's mostly behind-the-scenes stuff, but even though it might work for you I would still recommend to update them to avoid future possible errors
#29 Old 21st Mar 2024 at 10:08 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simsi45
@LuvMySimz In simple words the Crystal Creations patch changed the way some tunings are read, so as my aquariums use a custom tuning they aren't really functional for people that don't have certain packs. It's mostly behind-the-scenes stuff, but even though it might work for you I would still recommend to update them to avoid future possible errors

Thanks simsi45 for the quick reply. I updated!
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