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Colin Farrell

by Joshishot182 Posted 26th May 2005 at 12:55 AM - Updated 8th Mar 2006 at 2:50 AM by Joshishot182 : Deleted long list of links to my other downloads. If you still wanna see all of my stuff plz follow the instructions on my signature.
13 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 12 Feedback Posts
Field Researcher
#2 Old 26th May 2005 at 6:09 AM
Great Job! Thank You Will you be making one of Josh? Id Love a Simmsie of him. & Yes he is One Hottie!
#3 Old 26th May 2005 at 8:59 AM
aaaaah i love this man thanks for sharin him
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#4 Old 26th May 2005 at 2:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Witchboy
Great Job! Thank You Will you be making one of Josh? Id Love a Simmsie of him. & Yes he is One Hottie!

Im not sure lol considering im just obsessed with Josh I'd be really a perfectionist about it and it would take me 4EVER. My whole wall has framed pictures of Josh Hartnett all over the place so it wouldnt be hard to get the pictures lol but yea maybe this summer I'll finish a good one of him

"My best quality is probably my butt. And my worst probably is my pecs I don't really have any. So I keep my shirt on."
-Josh Hartnett
Test Subject
#5 Old 29th May 2005 at 2:01 AM
wow great job!! it's about time someone did him! thanks a lot!!
#6 Old 10th Jun 2005 at 12:25 AM
Great job really looks like him!
Test Subject
#7 Old 23rd Jun 2005 at 8:41 AM
Thanks! I love this one! I've been working on my own Colin for awhile but just can't seem to get it quite right.
#8 Old 23rd Jun 2005 at 10:15 AM
You did a terrific job on him, he looks gorgeous. Thanks for making and sharing him.
Test Subject
#9 Old 4th Jul 2005 at 8:45 AM
Colin is so hot! Will you make Jared Leto(Hephaistion)??
#10 Old 5th Jul 2005 at 7:30 AM
I come to ask for Jared too, how can it work to have Colin without Jared*LOL*
Will you please make Jared for us?
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 27th Aug 2005 at 10:06 AM
Thats good!
What do you think of this one?

Oh, roh bitah!
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Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#12 Old 27th Aug 2005 at 4:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MicBri
Thats good!
What do you think of this one?

Really excellent, better than mine lol

"My best quality is probably my butt. And my worst probably is my pecs I don't really have any. So I keep my shirt on."
-Josh Hartnett
Field Researcher
#13 Old 24th Oct 2005 at 4:59 AM
Nicely done, thank you.
Field Researcher
#14 Old 24th Oct 2005 at 5:01 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Joshishot182
Im not sure lol considering im just obsessed with Josh I'd be really a perfectionist about it and it would take me 4EVER. My whole wall has framed pictures of Josh Hartnett all over the place so it wouldnt be hard to get the pictures lol but yea maybe this summer I'll finish a good one of him

So, do you think he and Tommie Lee Jones look alike? I think they should be in a movie together as father and son, they look so much alike to me.