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Club Candy ( MySims Project) - NO CC

by Khal Ulti Posted 19th Feb 2021 at 1:14 PM
#2 Old 19th Feb 2021 at 3:12 PM
This is fab. I love it! I am playing in a beach world at the moment but have downloaded the lot and saved it for either my city world or my makeover of downtown..
Looking forward to more of your creativity in future..
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 19th Feb 2021 at 5:11 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sparky1922
This is fab. I love it! I am playing in a beach world at the moment but have downloaded the lot and saved it for either my city world or my makeover of downtown..
Looking forward to more of your creativity in future..

Thank you so much for the nice feedback! I can totally see this lot in Downtown, good idea.
Hopefully I won't disappoint My project is to make various MySims lots until I have enough material to build a whole populated hood with them. I am already sketching out family ties and interesting storylines for it
#4 Old 20th Feb 2021 at 3:07 AM
You are welcome I love to use nice looking CC free lots in my game usually because I have way too much CC/mods that have my folders groaning to start with lol Thats a great idea regarding a populated hood and I will keep a lookout for that in the future. I have you on follow now so i am assuming I should get messages of any new work you do when in future when I log in. Keep up the good work you are very creative and i would love to see where you go with it in the future..