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Eyelash Mesh Terminator

by Slamyy Posted 9th Apr 2021 at 12:39 PM
13 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 2 Feedback Posts, 10 Thanks Posts
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#2 Old 9th Apr 2021 at 1:41 PM
This is amazing, thanks for sharing with us!
#3 Old 11th Apr 2021 at 9:46 AM
How has this taken so long :lovestruc
Virtual gardener
staff: administrator THANKS POST
#4 Old 11th Apr 2021 at 4:46 PM
This is great! I know there's a different 'eyelash remover' thingy out there, but that always seems to be more of a 'texture replacement' thingy. Which could result into some mods conflicting with it. So this is an awesome alternative! Thanks for sharing!
#5 Old 11th Apr 2021 at 8:28 PM
"come with me if you want to have non-ugly eyelashes"
Test Subject
#6 Old 12th Apr 2021 at 1:24 PM
Aaa thank you! I get so annoyed with the EA eyelashes but I know the other eyelash mods can mess up eyeshadows and stuff. This is just what i was looking for!!
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 17th Aug 2021 at 1:31 AM
Thank you. The eyelashes on the Mac 64 bit version are horrible. This mod will be just the thing.
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 3rd May 2022 at 2:50 AM
Thank you for this! I started getting back into TS3 on my Mac and I was wondering why the eyelashes looked so horrid lol
Test Subject
#9 Old 5th Jul 2022 at 12:00 PM
Thank you so much. The s-club eyelash remover doesn't work for me so this is great.
Test Subject
#10 Old 13th Nov 2022 at 7:46 PM
Life-changing! Omg I can’t believe these black monstrosities are gone! Thank you so much! If you can recommend any other mods that are useful for mac, I’d be glad to know
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#11 Old 13th Nov 2022 at 9:33 PM
Quote: Originally posted by nyctilia
Life-changing! Omg I can’t believe these black monstrosities are gone! Thank you so much! If you can recommend any other mods that are useful for mac, I’d be glad to know

I don't play on Mac myself so I don't know much about other issues it has. In fact this mod is a pure coincidence because at the time I saw the eyelash bug on Reddit, I had already created this for my personal face replacement project and thought it would be helpful.

Thank you and everyone else for all the nice comments, it makes me happy! :D
Test Subject
#12 Old 20th Nov 2022 at 4:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Slamyy
I don't play on Mac myself so I don't know much about other issues it has. In fact this mod is a pure coincidence because at the time I saw the eyelash bug on Reddit, I had already created this for my personal face replacement project and thought it would be helpful.

Thank you and everyone else for all the nice comments, it makes me happy! :D

Aww I’m glad to hear that!

I use the s-club 3D lashes now and their removal set actually didn’t work so yours is truly a blessing! Do you possibly know where I could get lashes for kids? Even if it’d just be eyeliner? I can’t seem to find anything of that sort, everything is for adults ... I’m actually thinking of creating some myself because those kids need lashes Haven’t done any CC yet though so it might take a while.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#13 Old 20th Nov 2022 at 10:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by nyctilia
Aww I’m glad to hear that!

I use the s-club 3D lashes now and their removal set actually didn’t work so yours is truly a blessing! Do you possibly know where I could get lashes for kids? Even if it’d just be eyeliner? I can’t seem to find anything of that sort, everything is for adults ... I’m actually thinking of creating some myself because those kids need lashes Haven’t done any CC yet though so it might take a while.

Sketchbook Pixels has child and toddler lashes here:
Also, Buckley has fixes for the original S-Club lashes:
Test Subject
#14 Old 20th Jan 2025 at 12:24 AM
Omg thank you! And you were right, as someone who has never used S3PE, configuring the file was extremely easy. Thanks!