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More Drama Please!

by Jane466 Posted 7th Sep 2021 at 12:05 AM - Updated 9th Dec 2023 at 7:13 AM by Jane466
6 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 1 Feedback Posts, 4 Thanks Posts
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#2 Old 7th Sep 2021 at 12:29 PM
Your work seems really interesting. I don't like people having bad relationships to each other, but in the Sims people live together following the principle "peace-joy-pancake"! It's not normal for people living in a community to have no grudges or bad feelings towards any other person. So I'm going to test your save and find out more details. Thank you so much giving us a new thrill for playing!
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 8th Sep 2021 at 5:52 PM
Test Subject
#4 Old 14th Sep 2021 at 4:36 PM
Yes, please! I have a huge save file quite like this with new sims I created but I was too lazy to change the original ones so this is brilliant!
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 21st Sep 2021 at 7:49 PM
Does this mod require both expansions?
Test Subject
Original Poster
#6 Old 8th Apr 2022 at 5:25 AM
Quote: Originally posted by MashyLatte
Does this mod require both expansions?

Not really but I use the functions of both packs heavily in the save file
Forum Resident
#7 Old 20th Jan 2024 at 8:24 AM
This sounds like a really fun save! Thank you!