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Customisation Options for CAS (Updated 20/11/21)

by beestew Posted 14th Nov 2021 at 3:57 PM - Updated 20th Nov 2021 at 2:29 PM by BartekStu
16 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 11 Feedback Posts, 4 Thanks Posts
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#2 Old 14th Nov 2021 at 9:21 PM
This is awesome! Didn't know this was something I needed, thank you for creating and sharing!
Field Researcher
#3 Old 15th Nov 2021 at 4:22 AM
Very cool mod honestly. Thanks for sharing.
#4 Old 15th Nov 2021 at 3:21 PM
Thank you so much for creating this! This is a game-changer for me when it comes to picking custom eyebrows for my Sims!
The only inconvenience that remains with brows is that the eyes of the original mannequin are too deep to display wispy blonde eyebrows clearly (like those by Trapping):
Are the eye sockets less deep on the custom mannequin?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#5 Old 15th Nov 2021 at 3:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Softlism
Thank you so much for creating this! This is a game-changer for me when it comes to picking custom eyebrows for my Sims!
The only inconvenience that remains with brows is that the eyes of the original mannequin are too deep to display wispy blonde eyebrows clearly (like those by Trapping):
Are the eye sockets less deep on the custom mannequin?


When it comes to the actual geometry of the CAS mannequin's face, it has been completely unaltered. The TXMT override, which uses Maxis mannequin textures, might give the appearance of altered depth as the texture itself is pretty flat. Is that what you meant?

Re: The eyebrows - that's a shame, it seems like a natural consequence of the lighting used in the thumbnails. I think a good solution would be for me to create a S3 TXMT override, which you could put in, reset the brow thumbnails, then take out if you wish. The blonde eyebrows, especially wispier ones should be more noticeable then. That might be a while, though!
#6 Old 15th Nov 2021 at 5:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by BartekStu

When it comes to the actual geometry of the CAS mannequin's face, it has been completely unaltered. The TXMT override, which uses Maxis mannequin textures, might give the appearance of altered depth as the texture itself is pretty flat. Is that what you meant?

Re: The eyebrows - that's a shame, it seems like a natural consequence of the lighting used in the thumbnails. I think a good solution would be for me to create a S3 TXMT override, which you could put in, reset the brow thumbnails, then take out if you wish. The blonde eyebrows, especially wispier ones should be more noticeable then. That might be a while, though!

I meant the latter issue as I just saw that the gray mannequin had the same eye socket depth. Looking forward to your future updates!
Test Subject
#7 Old 18th Nov 2021 at 4:29 AM
Curious, would it also be possible to apply these custom thumbnails to the jewelry section? Specifically under Misc? I've always found it to be difficult to see what each individual item actually is and have had to rely on trial and error.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#8 Old 20th Nov 2021 at 12:21 AM Last edited by BartekStu : 20th Nov 2021 at 12:23 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by ShadowEFX
Curious, would it also be possible to apply these custom thumbnails to the jewelry section? Specifically under Misc? I've always found it to be difficult to see what each individual item actually is and have had to rely on trial and error.

It is possible. I might add a package that better frames the face piercings, too, in the future - good suggestion!

edit: I slipped and did it overnight
Test Subject
#9 Old 22nd Nov 2021 at 11:52 AM
Such a wonderful mod.
Test Subject
#10 Old 8th Feb 2022 at 10:44 PM
I can't get the thumbnails to generate with the original lighting, they all look bright :/
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#11 Old 14th Feb 2022 at 1:51 AM
Quote: Originally posted by NixCorvus
I can't get the thumbnails to generate with the original lighting, they all look bright :/

This is just a natural consequence of the game's lighting getting updated over time. You'll see that e.g. BV jewellery thumbnails use different lighting than BG thumbnails. Some thumbnails from the basegame come 'pre-baked' which is why they appear darker, because they were made with the old lighting.

I suppose it could be possible to create an override that reverts thumbnail lighting to what it was in the basegame, but I prefer the brighter EP lighting personally!
#12 Old 25th Apr 2022 at 3:19 PM
@BartekStu I've downloaded both your Glasses and Eyebrows UI mosd, but I noticed the new thumbnails of Glasses aren't changed in the Change Appereance screen, while your Eyebrow thumbnails do work there (see attached images). On the other hand, the Glasses thumbnails have been changed properly in the CAS mode.

Can you take a look at this issue?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#13 Old 27th Apr 2022 at 4:56 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Softlism
@BartekStu I've downloaded both your Glasses and Eyebrows UI mosd, but I noticed the new thumbnails of Glasses aren't changed in the Change Appereance screen, while your Eyebrow thumbnails do work there (see attached images). On the other hand, the Glasses thumbnails have been changed properly in the CAS mode.

Can you take a look at this issue?

Interesting! If as you say, the thumbnails for glasses display correctly in CAS, then perhaps Change Appearance uses their own set of thumbnails...?

Will investigate further when I have the time
Test Subject
#14 Old 8th Jul 2022 at 12:53 AM
I love (and am slightly intimidated by) this mod! Thanks for sharing. Is there a way to generate thumbnails for fingernails for those who use nail polish/fingernail accessories?
Field Researcher
#15 Old 7th Nov 2022 at 12:33 AM Last edited by Nightlight : 7th Nov 2022 at 11:26 AM.
I tried the Full Face Thumbnails but in my game it doesn't work.
I regenerate the thumbnail, I can see the nose piercings better but I have a problem with eyebrown and lips piercings.. I see them so distant. To explain, the thumbnail is not zoomed on the lips or the eyebrown.. I see the full face. Also the combo ctrl + right click doesn't change anything.
Am I doing somthing wrong?

Please, sorry for my bad English..
#16 Old 11th Dec 2022 at 12:48 AM
@beestew do you have plans soon to make time for creating custom thumbnails for Rings and Bracelets? I have nail colors categorized as Rings, but the relaxed hands pose thumbnail default isn't helpful for showing all the fingers.
#17 Old 7th Jan 2024 at 12:32 PM Last edited by topp : 7th Jan 2024 at 3:05 PM. Reason: added custom thumbs file
I put this in my Downloads folder (the altered angles and the mannequin thumbnails mod), and then I haven't played the game for a couple of months. When I started playing again, I forgot that I put this mod in and started playing in live mode casually.

I failed to read or remember that the mannequin mod replaces the S2 skintone - you did mention this on your simblr, though. It took me quite a while to come to terms with the fact that I'd probably have to do a 50-50 on my Downloads when half of the town started walking around with a pale body and a lively colorful face, up until their appearance change. It was only my making of another family in CAS that made me realize that S2 is overridden by a mannequin skintone, and that the Sims in town are not in fact frostbitten or glitched-out!

I'll now go and re-create all the thumbnails for the entirety of CAS but then I'll move the mannequin mod out before regular gameplay. May I suggest you outline the fact that the mannequin mod overrides the S2 skintone somewhere in your main post here, as well? Just so anyone who's about to download it and then comes back after several months of not playing doesn't start thinking they've, ya'know, reinvented the wheel by warning people that the S2 skintone is being overridden by this... :blush:


EDIT: I have uploaded my thumbnails file on SimFileShare, in case someone out there still plays vanilla and doesn't want to click through the catalog themselves. I used the following files:
  • bstu_bottomCamera_ts3style.package,
  • bstu_browCamera.package,
  • bstu_eyeCamera.package,
  • bstu_hairCamera_mirrored.package,
  • bstu_topCamera_ts3style.package,
  • bstu_mannequinFaceEyeDefault.package,
  • bstu_mannequinThumbnailKit.package

I have NO custom content or defaults (up to maybe two random tops I think), so this thumbnails file replaces vanilla Maxis thumbnails with the above combination of angles. I'm sure this won't gain on popularity, since rarely anyone nowadays plays with just Maxis default content. I've covered nearly all the areas: all hair colors (except for custom hair colors available only in live mode), all face parts, all BV jewelry, full-face makeup, glasses/accessories, eyebrows (all hair colors), facial hair (all hair colors), all outfit categories (including tops, bottoms, and full-body outfits in everyday) -- all that for all age groups, including young adults (YACAS). I didn't go through the pets catalog, however.

In case you don't have a lot of CC, this could still save you lots of clicking. And if there's only few defaults of vanilla game hairs/outfits in your game, just use ctrl+right click on that thumbnail.


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