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Will Lloyd Wright Dollhouse in the Ricardo Color Palette

by Michelle Posted 8th May 2022 at 1:34 PM
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#2 Old 13th Jun 2024 at 1:21 AM Last edited by ThatDayDreamer : 13th Jun 2024 at 1:43 AM.
if anyone wants two images of all the 45 recolour images to save for yourself in a folder for organisation, I've uploaded 2 jpg that have all the images of all 45 recolours

I did this for myself initially to work out what colours I wanted to keep cos some were just too similar, I managed to cut mine down to 20 if you're interested in what colours I kept out of the 45 I can upload my 20 colour image too

but since I did a lot of work adding each picture of each colour to these two image files, I thought I'd share them here and not let my efforts go to waste lol