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Testers wanted for a No Privacy mod (Edit - 10-16-05 All EPs compatable)

by LizzLove Posted 3rd Jun 2005 at 7:17 PM - Updated 11th Nov 2008 at 6:42 AM by Christy1077
43 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 39 Feedback Posts, 3 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#26 Old 22nd Oct 2005 at 4:55 AM

It works!! And I am so glad it does... ...and thank you again... ..And yeah, I knew downloading global mods have a serious risk of messing up Maxis' games but your mod is great and it didn't cause noticeable glitches or irregularities with my sims or game play that I know of.

So keep those hacks coming.


Those Who Run From The Darkness Are Those Who Are Swallowed By The Light. Those That Creep In The Shadows, Are The Darkness' Shape-shifters.

- imp

Twitter: @Hypnotikid
Test Subject
#27 Old 18th Nov 2005 at 12:02 AM
I LOVE LIZZLOVES! This works fantastic even with Nightlife. You my darling are a genuis. I love all your hacks. You're almost the best.Thank you for all the time and effort you put into making our game all that much more fun.
Test Subject
#28 Old 7th Feb 2006 at 9:28 PM
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have so needed this. I have a family of 3.. and ONE bathroom =( The line outside the bathroom would get quite agitated by the time one teenager would get through showering, etc.
Test Subject
#29 Old 6th Apr 2006 at 11:47 AM
Hi, fairly new Simmie here, have the Sims2 - Holiday Edition, US cd version with update already included, and this mod is just what i was looking for, so far, it works perfect. Thanks bunches LizzLove
Lab Assistant
#30 Old 3rd May 2006 at 9:11 AM
This is one of my favorite mods! Any chance it will be updated for OFB? Thanks!
Test Subject
#31 Old 30th May 2006 at 2:44 PM
I am using this mod, and enjoy it tramendously. Visitors beware, I will join you in the bathroom if I have to use it too. mwahahahaha

Let the light shine through.

Cool... They got the pets added...
Now all they have to do is add the Farms in Sims 2.
Lab Assistant
#32 Old 16th Sep 2006 at 3:00 PM
Does anyone know if this will conflict with Simlogical's Bathroom door, which is designed to automatically lock?

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Test Subject
#33 Old 3rd Nov 2006 at 5:37 PM
Hi Lizzlove, hi all,

this hack works fine with OFB, but it's not working with Pets.

Do we have any chance to get an updated version of this badly needed hack? I hate this privacy in my Sim families .

Or does anybody know which other hack has the same effekt and works with Pets?

Thanks and regards
Lab Assistant
#34 Old 31st Dec 2006 at 11:28 PM
I love this hack. It is on my "absolutely must have" list. In my game it worked fine with Pets, until I downloaded the Pets version of Inteen. Then *boom* all the shooing and locked doors showed up again and all my double-toilet bathrooms are useless. *sob* But I don't want to get rid of Inteen either. I've never had conficts with previous versions of Inteen. Is there any hope of making them compatible for Pets?

Thanks a bunch!
Test Subject
#35 Old 6th Jan 2007 at 1:39 AM
I'm having the same probs with the new pets version of inteen. i love this mod because it makes the game more realistic. i would love it if you could make this hack compatible for pets too! thanks!
Lab Assistant
#36 Old 25th Apr 2007 at 3:56 PM
Another update--I have Seasons and the Seasons Inteen, and again this mod is rendered useless by Inteen. However, there is a work-around. If you arrange your Downloads so that this file loads after Inteen, it seems to work fine. This can be accomplished simply by putting this package in a folder with a name beginning with 'z'; for example, I keep mine in a folder called 'zz lizzlove privacy mod'. After doing this, Inteen appears to work fine, and my sims have real communal bathrooms again.
Lab Assistant
#37 Old 9th Jan 2008 at 11:02 AM
I love this hack. And your others! Thanks.
Test Subject
#38 Old 3rd Mar 2008 at 2:40 AM
Anyone experiencing a conflict with FreeTime? having bathroom related errors and skips, seems to be related to this one...
Field Researcher
#39 Old 14th Mar 2008 at 8:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by LizzLove
I think CCM does not like it because I am changing a bunch of Semi-global files. Maxis hates when we do that.

I have tonnes of hacks that CCM hates.I just ignore it.Only one has ever harmed my game.I deleted it AGES ago!And I want to see what happens when a kid is in the shower and someone flushes the loo. Now I can! I'm cruel!

"What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay.
So long and goodnight,so long and goodnight."-Helena,My Chemical Romance
(( ))
// \\
#40 Old 30th Sep 2008 at 8:03 PM
ok, i testid this with apartment life, it dosent work.
i dont know if you are still doing modding and stuff though
Test Subject
#41 Old 14th Jun 2010 at 4:54 AM Last edited by oh__serenaxx107 : 27th Jun 2010 at 10:37 PM.
Christianlov made a no privacy hack that is compatible with Seasons. I'm going to check tonight if it is compatible with Apartment as well and will reply :]

It works like a charm with Apartment!
Test Subject
#42 Old 3rd Feb 2014 at 7:11 PM
Mad Poster
#43 Old 10th Feb 2016 at 3:35 PM
Mad Poster
#44 Old 8th Dec 2021 at 9:59 PM
Thank you
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