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Livestreaming Mod

by Twinsimming Posted 10th Jan 2024 at 9:03 AM - Updated 31st Jan 2025 at 12:31 PM by Twinsimming
45 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 36 Feedback Posts, 8 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#26 Old 20th Jan 2024 at 8:52 AM
Default Traditional Chinese Translation
Here's the Chinese translation~~ :P
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#27 Old 21st Jan 2024 at 10:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Little Duck Liu
Here's the Chinese translation~~ :P

Thank you!
Lab Assistant
#28 Old 21st Jan 2024 at 10:52 AM
Can you make livestream from console games? Also add more games for console?
Test Subject
#29 Old 24th Jan 2024 at 1:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Twinsimming
Thank you!

Sorry for the late reply. My friends told me this mod was still in English even if I'm 100% sure that I did the translation job.So I redownloaded the mod and opened wirh s3pe. I found you applied the translation to the Strings_CHS_CN file, but it should be applied to Strings_CHT_CN instead.

For some reason, The Sims 3 was never franchised in simplified Chinese version (although the simplied Chinese string files were embedded),and any simplified Chinese strings won't be displayed in this game. Technically, everyone from mainland China is playing the traditional version with mods that convert traditional stuff into simplified.
Test Subject
#30 Old 25th Jan 2024 at 5:59 PM
Default Polish translation
love this mod!
Attached files:
File Type: rar  twinsimming_Livestreaming Mod_Polish Translation by Grinda.rar (855 Bytes, 16 downloads)
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#31 Old 27th Jan 2024 at 8:39 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Afiz
Can you make livestream from console games? Also add more games for console?

That's something I hope I can add in the future!
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#32 Old 27th Jan 2024 at 8:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Little Duck Liu
Sorry for the late reply. My friends told me this mod was still in English even if I'm 100% sure that I did the translation job.So I redownloaded the mod and opened wirh s3pe. I found you applied the translation to the Strings_CHS_CN file, but it should be applied to Strings_CHT_CN instead.

For some reason, The Sims 3 was never franchised in simplified Chinese version (although the simplied Chinese string files were embedded),and any simplified Chinese strings won't be displayed in this game. Technically, everyone from mainland China is playing the traditional version with mods that convert traditional stuff into simplified.

Whoops, my apologies! It should be fixed now.
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#33 Old 27th Jan 2024 at 8:44 AM
Thank you for the translation! @Grinda
Test Subject
#34 Old 27th Jan 2024 at 9:54 AM
Here's the German translation
Attached files:
File Type: zip (859 Bytes, 12 downloads)
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#35 Old 27th Jan 2024 at 1:11 PM
Thank you again! @McNero :D
Test Subject
#36 Old 28th Jan 2024 at 5:03 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Twinsimming
Whoops, my apologies! It should be fixed now.

Thank you~and you may have to do the same for the video game mod~~
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#37 Old 1st Feb 2024 at 8:14 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Little Duck Liu
Thank you~and you may have to do the same for the video game mod~~

Oh no, really? Can you check how it shows up in your game? Mine is in English.
Test Subject
#38 Old 20th Feb 2024 at 2:21 PM
Korean translation
Thank you for creating this mod
I brought a Korean translation of mod
Attached files:
File Type: zip (1.1 KB, 11 downloads)
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#39 Old 21st Feb 2024 at 3:45 AM
Thank you @aenskim!
Test Subject
#40 Old 6th Apr 2024 at 10:02 AM
Default Russian language
Here russian translate.
Attached files:
File Type: 7z  Russian translate.7z (781 Bytes, 27 downloads)
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#41 Old 7th Apr 2024 at 5:43 AM
Thanks @anton557!
Test Subject
#42 Old 24th Jun 2024 at 9:27 PM
I did a playthrough with this mod and your other video game mod back when it was new, where my sim could only earn money from either livestreaming or video game tournaments. It went very well, and it never felt like these mods earned too much money or not enough money, it was very well balanced. Great job on your mods!
Test Subject
#43 Old 25th Jun 2024 at 12:47 PM
Default Traditional Chinese Translation
Thank you for the great work. I found the CHT translation went missing for the updated version.So here's new one, I also updated the CHT translation for the video game mod so the chineses translations are consistent for both mods.
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#44 Old 25th Jun 2024 at 7:52 PM
Thanks again! @Little Duck Liu
Test Subject
#45 Old 5th Sep 2024 at 8:03 PM Last edited by Pavlus : 5th Sep 2024 at 9:13 PM.
I don't know if it is due to other installed mods or maybe this is a planned feature but when my sims play those new games they totally forgot about their needs.

Edit: - I have your Level Up mod too, maybe this is the problem? I'll let you know in new post when I test the game without livestreaming & Level up.

Edit 2: - Nailed it, sadly it was Level Up making my sims faint next to the computer desk or pissing their pants :P
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#46 Old 9th Nov 2024 at 11:19 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Pavlus
I don't know if it is due to other installed mods or maybe this is a planned feature but when my sims play those new games they totally forgot about their needs.

Edit: - I have your Level Up mod too, maybe this is the problem? I'll let you know in new post when I test the game without livestreaming & Level up.

Edit 2: - Nailed it, sadly it was Level Up making my sims faint next to the computer desk or pissing their pants :P

I've found a fix for the needs failure issue with the Level Up mod and will be updating it soon!
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