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Make Townsfolk Less Racist (against SimBots, mummies, Toad Sims, etc.) - v1.2 update

by Dandelion Sprout Posted 13th Jan 2024 at 2:56 AM - Updated 1st Mar 2025 at 2:34 AM by Dandelion Sprout
23 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 17 Feedback Posts, 5 Thanks Posts
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Field Researcher
#2 Old 13th Jan 2024 at 7:49 AM
The title made me let out a shocked laugh, then I read your description, which made me realize you're right and it's a good fix. That said, last I played I didn't notice that as I play an Evil Vampire and thought they were reacting to him being Evil. Will Sims still react like that to Sims depending on traits? Would love a variant to have them still react poorly to vamps for obvious reasons, but I completely understand why you wouldn't. Thank you for this much needed fix!
Forum Resident
#3 Old 13th Jan 2024 at 10:18 AM
Has this been tested with NRaas ErrorTrap in play? The invalid parameter being used on purpose just sounds like something that might get caught and reported on.
I use Anach's Reaction Remover tuning for this same effect and it looks like they just switched all of the autonomy off, which works fine ingame. Both methods may be fine, but I would err on the side of caution using invalid tuning.

thecardinalsims - Cardinal has been taken by a fey mood!
Field Researcher
#4 Old 13th Jan 2024 at 12:56 PM
As a high fantasy simmer whose world is based on all species living in harmony in the first place, this is a much needed fix for me. Thank you so much!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#5 Old 13th Jan 2024 at 4:51 PM Last edited by Dandelion Sprout : 13th Jan 2024 at 5:03 PM.
To the general 3 feedbacks above:

I realised while sleeping this morning that "I should probably sell the idea of the project a bit better". It was limited what I could squeeze into ModTheSims' 2 text rows in its grid view, but I was able to squeeze in the most important SimBot and mummy parts this afternoon.

As a long-term user of NRaas ErrorTrap, I don't think there were mass problems involved, at least. A trial project with a 20x larger scope had stuff like "Errors detected: 606", but this very mod had no such problems that I could see in notifications.

* "and thought they were reacting to him being Evil."
Sadly(?) no, they are just reacting to him being a vampire. I've played a couple savefiles where I populated my towns partially with vampires who decidedly did not have the Evil trait, and the townsfolk still felt "Hunted".

To edit out e.g. the part where townsfolk feel Hunted, the mod .package file can be opened in S3PE, where the OccultVampire row can be deleted by pressing Delete on it, and then save the mod.
Field Researcher
#6 Old 13th Jan 2024 at 8:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Dandelion Sprout
To the general 3 feedbacks above:

I realised while sleeping this morning that "I should probably sell the idea of the project a bit better". It was limited what I could squeeze into ModTheSims' 2 text rows in its grid view, but I was able to squeeze in the most important SimBot and mummy parts this afternoon.

As a long-term user of NRaas ErrorTrap, I don't think there were mass problems involved, at least. A trial project with a 20x larger scope had stuff like "Errors detected: 606", but this very mod had no such problems that I could see in notifications.

* "and thought they were reacting to him being Evil."
Sadly(?) no, they are just reacting to him being a vampire. I've played a couple savefiles where I populated my towns partially with vampires who decidedly did not have the Evil trait, and the townsfolk still felt "Hunted".

To edit out e.g. the part where townsfolk feel Hunted, the mod .package file can be opened in S3PE, where the OccultVampire row can be deleted by pressing Delete on it, and then save the mod.

Thanks! I appreciate the response. That is unfortunate, kinda wish it had reactions to behavior/traits like TS2

#7 Old 14th Jan 2024 at 1:25 AM
Very good! I don't actually play occults in my game but who am I to say they can't live and be free to be who they want to be? lol. (Incidentally, are occults a race or a species? )

Tumblr: desiree-uk
Test Subject
#8 Old 15th Jan 2024 at 12:45 AM
" Make Townsfolk Less Racist" what a crazy title lol
Field Researcher
#9 Old 15th Jan 2024 at 6:21 AM Last edited by Tacitala : 15th Jan 2024 at 6:22 AM. Reason: typo
Thank you! I mean, why are they panicking about their ghost neighbors when they also have plants that produce fully formed hamburger patties. Ghosts are totally normal compared to that.

Out of curiosity, will this effect the Late Night fame system? It drives me nuts that you can get a scandal if a celebrity smooches their vampire spouse in public?

(Desiree, that depends on how you define a species. If you go with the standard 'they can interbreed', then only the bots and plant Sims would be a different species).
Test Subject
#10 Old 15th Jan 2024 at 11:21 AM
Your newest update conflicts with I like both of your mods.
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 15th Jan 2024 at 10:54 PM
Thank you, the Mummy and Simbot action cancel drove me up the wall a few times... now I kinda wanna play them again
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#12 Old 16th Jan 2024 at 1:11 AM Last edited by Dandelion Sprout : 17th Jan 2024 at 5:11 AM. Reason: I keep forgetting words in my posts...
"It drives me nuts that you can get a scandal if a celebrity smooches their vampire spouse in public?"

I know I edited the "WooHooWithOccult" value, and I couldn't find any other rows in the "Celebrity" file that had the word "Occult" in them. So you can presume yes, such things won't cause scandals anymore unless otherwise proven.

"Your newest update conflicts (...)

This mod's conflicting effects with that specific mod, can usually be fixed (i.e. removed) by opening the mod in S3PE, deleting the "Celebrity" row, and then save the mod. This will make the resulting saved mod unable to prevent occult romance anti-scandals, but it'll prevent that conflict.
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 17th Jan 2024 at 5:09 AM
I liked the mod, but I use the Scariest Ghosts Mod by xantak22, will it interfere with interactions?
#14 Old 17th Jan 2024 at 5:47 AM
"Make Townsfolk Less Disgusted" might be a better title, because that is far less ridiculous imo

Just as an FYI, sims are disgusted by other sims who have the Evil Trait, nothing to do with any occult state. Particularly if your sim is "Emperor of Evil" or "Celebrity Psychic" or at certain stages leading up to that ultimate career.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#15 Old 17th Jan 2024 at 5:51 AM
"(...) will it interfere with interactions?"

Checking their mod's .package file, it remarkably doesn't seem to conflict, so you're good to go.

"Just as an FYI, sims are disgusted by other sims who have the Evil Trait, nothing to do with any occult state."

With "NRaas Master Controller Cheats" (so that other Sims in town can relatively easily and quickly be turned into SimBots or mummies), it can very easily be proven that it is in fact the occult states that disgust the Sims.
Test Subject
#16 Old 20th Jan 2024 at 4:08 AM
I love the title, and hope you won't let yourself be swayed by other to change it. Thanks for the mod
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 20th Jan 2024 at 2:08 PM
The title is fine and hilarious and relevant to what you changed. Thank you for the mod, I've always wanted something to alleviate those reactions. Sorry so many people dogpiled you about it, it's at 2k views and people seem to like it despite the strange complaints, so don't let it get to you, focus on the majority lol.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#18 Old 29th Jan 2024 at 2:07 AM
Fun fact related to pretty much all of the above: During development, I pondered on calling the gamemod Pyramid Mummy Money, but I presumed almost no one would get the reference (Especially as there weren't a whole lot of money aspects in the gamemod either way), and that sitemods could plausibly consider any and all YT links in a gamemod's description to be a no-deal.
Lab Assistant
#19 Old 11th Mar 2024 at 7:10 AM
Hello, I love your mod and I currently use it but can you make alternative mod which that only reacting scare/disgust sims like simbot and ghost but doesn't force cancel current action? I hate EA cancel the action when see Simbot, ghost, etc but I prefer just react to them while they still proceed to do
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#20 Old 11th Mar 2024 at 10:00 AM
Since the action of disgust automatically cancels out the entire action row of the Sim, I sadly don't think such an alternate version would be possible through any known ways.
Lab Assistant
#21 Old 9th Jul 2024 at 2:11 PM
This mod and Amber's buffed moodlets mod ( are conflicting. IS there a way to fix it?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#22 Old 9th Jul 2024 at 2:25 PM
In theory, it would be possible to use S3PE to open my package, deleting its "Buffs" row, and then saving the package.

The "Buffs" row in the package is used for minor changes to Toad Sims and to seemingly ineffective changes to Vampires, so my gamemod will work reasonably well without that row.
Test Subject
#23 Old 17th Feb 2025 at 1:40 AM
Thank you! I don't usually play with occults, but I want my Simbots to be seen as equals!

Would it be at all possible to keep my neurotic Sim from being afraid of Bonehilda as well? (Sorry if that's outside the scope of this mod)
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#24 Old 21st Feb 2025 at 11:16 AM
(To StarRiseShine) It's at least slightly outside the scope, I must admit.

My plans for a v1.3 are somewhat set in stone as well:
• Maids will no longer quit work when seeing Bonehilda. (Should be very easy for me to do.)
• Prevent auto-generated Plumbot cashiers at e.g. bot emporium cash registers from being given the "Fear of Humans" chip by default. (Seems very difficult at best.)