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(Yet another) auto-read mod (+bookcase related tweaks)

by guirnaldas Posted 8th Mar 2024 at 3:33 PM
9 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 7 Feedback Posts, 1 Thanks Posts
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Field Researcher
#2 Old 9th Mar 2024 at 4:07 PM
This is a really useful mod, especially the uni fixes. Thank you!
Test Subject
#3 Old 16th Mar 2024 at 6:38 PM Last edited by shedevil : 6th Apr 2024 at 9:36 PM.
Hello, I just wanted to post some conflict information from HCDU just as FYI for anyone who might read this!

Summary - These packages might conflict:
  • pescado-nobabyharassment.package
  • pescado-nouniprotect.package
  • midgethetree_diarybuildscreativity-nohide.package

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Interaction - Diary
Group ID: 0x7F327BCE
Instance ID: 0x0000201F
Packages Containing This Procedure:
File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Interaction - Read to - Test
Group ID: 0x7F327BCE
Instance ID: 0x00002010
Packages Containing This Procedure:
File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Interaction - College Study TEST
Group ID: 0x7F327BCE
Instance ID: 0x00002028
Packages Containing This Procedure:
File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Interaction - College Study Join TEST
Group ID: 0x7F327BCE
Instance ID: 0x00002029
Packages Containing This Procedure:
Field Researcher
#4 Old 27th Mar 2024 at 9:11 PM Last edited by BellaDovah : 28th Mar 2024 at 9:33 PM.
@guirnaldas This sounds great, thank you! Although, I think it would be really cool to be taken a step further by adding traits support, for example bookworms being more attracted to reading and gain more fun. Would you be interested in this or would you mind potentially me building onto this in the future?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#5 Old 1st Apr 2024 at 5:26 AM
Quote: Originally posted by BellaDovah
@guirnaldas This sounds great, thank you! Although, I think it would be really cool to be taken a step further by adding traits support, for example bookworms being more attracted to reading and gain more fun. Would you be interested in this or would you mind potentially me building onto this in the future?

In the mod as is, hobby level gets you a fun gain rate boost, higher boost if also literature OTH, and the attraction is influenced by age, aspiration, personality, OTH and hobby level, not to mention the randomness provided by the game (namely needs, surrounding objects compiting). I thought of traits initially, but really after adding everything into the mix I thought the game already had enough stats to play with, adding one more seemed redundant and wouldn't make much difference in practice so wasn't worth the hassle. Maybe it could be simplified by making attraction and gain boost conditioned to the trait alone so it actually reflect in normal gameplay vs non-bookworms sims, or maybe use the trait instead of literature OTH and hobby level? I don't know, I guess I could provide a simple solution for trait players but if you or anyone have more ideas feel free to edit my mod however you like.
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 19th Apr 2024 at 2:05 PM
Great mod, would be cool if you could implement gummilutt's freetime book fix?
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 21st Apr 2024 at 4:57 PM
This is a great mod, especially the Uni features! Thank you!

However, I'm having a few conflicts, some of them maybe could hopefully be solved by loading order?

TTAB 0x7F327BCE 0x0003 untitled tree table

BHAV 0x7FE64A8D 0x201B Read - Start Reading

BHAV 0x7F327BCE 0x200E Interaction - Ask to be Read to - Test
BHAV 0x7F327BCE 0x2010 Interaction - Read to - Test
zzz_Mods_loading_last\BO - Curb All Auto Read-To.package

BHAV 0x7F327BCE 0x2028 Interaction - College Study TEST
BHAV 0x7F327BCE 0x2029 Interaction - College Study Join TEST

I also have a few questions.
If for example, I extract the BHAVs "Interaction - Ask to be Read to - Test" and "Interaction - Read to - Test" from BoilingOil's "Curb All Auto Read" mod to replace the ones in your mod, will your other mod BHAVs still work correctly? Or can I simply load BO's mod last to keep his changes relating to autonomous read to/ask to be read to?

TwoJeffs's Stinky Dormie Fix mod, that clashes with yours, makes dormies actually finish partially done assignments they leave laying around the lot. Does your mod has this feature too?

That was a long text, sorry, but have to have this clarified ^-^

Thanks in advance!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#8 Old 22nd Apr 2024 at 6:07 PM Last edited by guirnaldas : 22nd Apr 2024 at 6:29 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Sam_Verey
Great mod, would be cool if you could implement gummilutt's freetime book fix?

That issue is addressed diferently here. My mod halves the rate at which freetime books affect sims' needs other than fun and also sets a limit, so for example a sim will never be able to nearly empty his hunger bar by reading a cooking book, instead the bar should stop draining at around 15%, which is less risky.
gummilutt's fix comes in two versions, one of which completely removes this feature, meaning the freetime books will only affect fun. I guess this is what you mean?

Quote: Originally posted by Biara25
This is a great mod, especially the Uni features! Thank you!

However, I'm having a few conflicts, some of them maybe could hopefully be solved by loading order?

TTAB 0x7F327BCE 0x0003 untitled tree table

BHAV 0x7FE64A8D 0x201B Read - Start Reading

BHAV 0x7F327BCE 0x200E Interaction - Ask to be Read to - Test
BHAV 0x7F327BCE 0x2010 Interaction - Read to - Test
zzz_Mods_loading_last\BO - Curb All Auto Read-To.package

BHAV 0x7F327BCE 0x2028 Interaction - College Study TEST
BHAV 0x7F327BCE 0x2029 Interaction - College Study Join TEST

I also have a few questions.
If for example, I extract the BHAVs "Interaction - Ask to be Read to - Test" and "Interaction - Read to - Test" from BoilingOil's "Curb All Auto Read" mod to replace the ones in your mod, will your other mod BHAVs still work correctly? Or can I simply load BO's mod last to keep his changes relating to autonomous read to/ask to be read to?

TwoJeffs's Stinky Dormie Fix mod, that clashes with yours, makes dormies actually finish partially done assignments they leave laying around the lot. Does your mod has this feature too?

That was a long text, sorry, but have to have this clarified ^-^

Thanks in advance!

- No_Autonomous_Write_In_Diary_TNW.package
This is not compatible If you want no autonomous diary I recommend installing Twojeffs mod instead, which is called the same. Make it load after.

- simNopke-stopPointlessBookStudying-skilling.package
Can keep both, depending on the load order you will lose one feature or the other. I recommend simNopke's mod to be loaded after so it can fully work. The feature that you'll lose from my mod will be that sims (OTH or 4th lvl) reading books will not 100% fill the fun bar anymore but rather 85% or something just like in the unmodded game.

- BO - Curb All Auto Read-To.package
Should load after. Replacing the BHAV in my mod will have the same effect. I guess you could still do so and get rid of one file, though honestly these are so tiny that they hardly have any impact on loading times, it's easier to just rename one to change the order.

- nouniprotect.package
Make it load after.

Regarding your question, that feature from TwoJeffs's Stinky Dormie Fix is actually a side effect and since my mod also removes the hygiene advertisement it should be there, too.
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 23rd Apr 2024 at 7:27 PM
Thank you so much for your help and the detailed explanation
Field Researcher
#10 Old 24th Apr 2024 at 11:32 PM
Just want to report some conflicts I found besides those already mentioned:

simler90-twojeffs-simNopke-fewerToddlerAskingFails.package --> read-autonomy.package
BHAV: 0x200E - Interaction - Ask to be Read to - Test (0x7F327BCE)

Meduza_Squinge_CJ_SocialCreativityGain_ProfessionalBlogger.package --> read-autonomy.package
BHAV: 0x201F - Interaction - Diary (0x7F327BCE)

Traits_Project\bookworm_readBookAutonomy.package --> read-autonomy.package
BHAV: 0x2008 - Interaction - Read Book - Test (0x7F327BCE)

Traits_Project\bookworm-childish-CW-dramatic-HR-NC-perceptive_moreFunFromBooks.package --> read-autonomy.package
BHAV: 0x205E - Sub - Start Read Motive Changes (0x7FE64A8D)

Traits_Project\brooding_writeDiaryAutonomy.package --> read-autonomy.package
BHAV: 0x2020 - Interaction - Diary - Test (0x7F327BCE)