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1 Tesla Court [no cc]

by vulcansixam Posted 16th Aug 2024 at 6:41 PM - Updated 4th Sep 2024 at 11:12 PM by vulcansixam
#2 Old 17th Aug 2024 at 12:27 AM
Great makeover! It still has the Beaker feel despite having quite a different layout compared to the original.

In case you’d like to place aspiration and career rewards in any of your future builds, Sophie-David has made them buyable from the regular catalogue here:

For anyone who would like to keep the secret bookcase door but does indeed find it too much of a nuisance to click on it every time you want to go through I recommend "" by Pescado:
It makes it so that selectable sims can autonomously go through the secret bookcase door.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#3 Old 17th Aug 2024 at 9:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Corax
Great makeover! It still has the Beaker feel despite having quite a different layout compared to the original.

In case you’d like to place aspiration and career rewards in any of your future builds, Sophie-David has made them buyable from the regular catalogue here:

For anyone who would like to keep the secret bookcase door but does indeed find it too much of a nuisance to click on it every time you want to go through I recommend "" by Pescado:
It makes it so that selectable sims can autonomously go through the secret bookcase door.

Oh my god thank you!! I tried to find buyable career rewards but thought they would be considered custom content because I wasn't sure if they're cloned objects or the career objects themselves. Also I had no idea about the door fix, you're a lifesaver
#4 Old 17th Aug 2024 at 4:48 PM
Happy I could help
I like Sophie-David’s version because they aren’t clones they’re the actual in-game objects. They are simply made buyable in Buy Mode. So if you added the career and aspiration objects using Sophie-David’s mod, the build would still be considered CC-free.