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Hillside Hideaway

by LP` Posted 8th Aug 2005 at 11:22 PM - Updated 23rd Feb 2006 at 5:46 AM by LP`
11 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 10 Feedback Posts
Forum Resident
#2 Old 9th Aug 2005 at 3:16 AM
Ooo Its very pretty!! Its refreshing.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 9th Aug 2005 at 3:25 AM Last edited by LP` : 9th Aug 2005 at 5:29 AM.
Thanks, sorry bout the bad pic quality. I'm running a radeon 7000... which doesn't even meet the mimimum requirements for the game.

Also: I see 17 people have downloaded it so far, so I know i'm doing something right. But seeing as though its my first upload, I'd greatly apreciate some comments and feedback. Thanks.
Test Subject
#4 Old 9th Aug 2005 at 6:02 AM
It's hard to believe this is your first upload (unless you're like me, that I don't upload something unless I fix every tiny, little, minuscule thing(which is why I only do make-up and hair now, and I STILL haven't uploaded them yet :p) but I'll give you the benefit of doubt and say "VERY nice first upload")
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#5 Old 9th Aug 2005 at 6:33 PM
I tried to upload a massive dorm before. It was styled after the "housing complexes" you might affiliate urban england with. It wasn't good, and got rejected. But to tell you the truth, I myself haven't even tested this thing yet. I only had one problem, which was the basement area. It didn't even take me too long... But I'm glad to know that 46 people now have this house in thier game. Makes me feel accomplished. Thank you everyone. I guess I'll have to get working on something else now.
Field Researcher
#6 Old 11th Aug 2005 at 1:16 AM
Well done LP`.
As to the high cost, it could be you were deleting objects instead of using the back button. Same thing if you use the terrain tools. For example: if you accidently raise terrain, use the back button to undo the error, not the lower terrain tool, as each time you raise or lower (or change terrain paint, etc) it costs extra.
I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work in future.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#7 Old 11th Aug 2005 at 1:20 AM Last edited by LP` : 11th Aug 2005 at 2:03 AM.
That might be it... I was messing with the terain loads of times... and using hte tools to correct it instead of the back button. I'm almost done on my next house. Once the exterior is done, i'll post a picture. Then I'll upload it in a day or so, fully furnished of course. If anyone has any sugestions, please tell me. Thanks.

EDIT: Outside done.
It still needs fine tuning, but thats a sneek-preview. Enjoy!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#8 Old 10th Sep 2005 at 6:59 PM
Sorry for not updating and/or adding my new house. Due to my near-dead video card, i've been playing other games until now. Now that I'm getting a new card, I'll resume working on the house. It only needs a days work, but it was imposible to do at current settings. I won't disapoint you though! I might even wait a bit longer and trick out the house with some nightlife items!
Test Subject
#9 Old 11th Sep 2005 at 9:39 PM
Nice! (It's Lark) XD
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 23rd Jan 2006 at 6:01 PM
I M In Love Whit This House Wow Thank U
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#11 Old 23rd Jan 2006 at 7:10 PM
Thanks for checking out my other houses cbr701. I still have to say this is one of my greatest houses, even though its quite old. This is just one of thouse houses that you can't upgrade, it just, is.
Test Subject
#12 Old 24th Jan 2006 at 4:00 AM
Hey, you told me to look at this from your other lots -- I know how annoying it is when your best houses get so little recognition *cough 7 Fox Court cough*

This is a great house! The back garden is creative, yet realistic, and overall the house is very good and different from the mainstream.
Excellent work!

just a hint -- try to change the default pic to the best one (usually an exterior shot) -- people tend to overlook houses if the default screenshot is a floorplan.