Nice! Or as Darth Vadar says, "Impressive. Most Impressive." Truly it is very good work. ^_^
It has been my experience that you can not say something worse to a woman than to offend her somehow and then upon realizing this fact look her dead in the eyes and with the utmost sincerity say "I have obviously upset you..." Not that I ever did that or anything...
can any one help me, i keep trying to download this file but eveytime i click on it, it just refreshes the page. am i doing it wrong? please help im new here and love all your harry potter things, they rule!
Hello fello Asian soulangel... love yer avatar...I've been pretty much out lately, not sure about Cedric's, but it'll be easy enogh. I guess I'll do it.
Depp_Dom_Dreams, the Harry sim, I made him, but an updated version (not yet uploaded, probably never, unless I upload Draco) can be seen in my other uploads.