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More Sims In The World

by losson370 Posted 8th Jun 2021 at 2:34 AM - Updated Today at 2:54 AM by losson370
132 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 119 Feedback Posts, 12 Thanks Posts
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Field Researcher
#2 Old 8th Jun 2021 at 4:51 PM
Looking forward to trying this, thank you!
Test Subject
#3 Old 12th Jun 2021 at 3:50 PM
Utilissima mod!! Grazie
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 20th Jun 2021 at 11:37 PM
Im not needing of this but thank you so much for the tip on maximum sims in zone! I have MCCC but I didnt know about that setting and now I can adjust it to be less to avoid lag ) Since my modded game seems to lag a lot when there are many sims on a lot
Test Subject
#5 Old 1st Jul 2021 at 9:28 PM
This duplicates service workers. It ruins the mod please fix it.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#6 Old 4th Jul 2021 at 1:20 AM
yes, I'm already modifying some commands and adding new ones, I'll be making it available soon after the New Expansion.
Test Subject
#7 Old 25th Jul 2021 at 9:35 PM
I love the concept of this mod but when I tested it out yesterday I ran into a problem.

I installed this mod and the other two from weerbesu as suggested in the description. I then sent my sims to a karaoke bar and all was well. However, when I sent them on a date, specifically to a restaurant, they were unable to request a table due to the large number of sims on the lot. I believe it's due to too many sims queuing up interactions for their own tables and bogging down the wait staff (just like in real life sometimes, hah!). I had to force at least 6-8 sims to leave before they were finally able to request their table and order food. Unfortunately, the food never arrived. The wait staff appeared to deliver the food, but nothing appeared on the table. This may also be due to the number of queued interactions or just a bug. By the time they got their food and the waitress appeared with the platter, the date was over and I missed the gold rank because they couldn't discuss their meal. I tested this in two different restaurants, one of which I know works as I have used it many times in the past with no issues in regards to requesting tables or receiving meals, and the same thing happened in both.

I've since removed this mod, but I've kept weerbesu's two mods as it seems to accomplish a similar thing to this mod but with a much lower number of sims (maybe around 4-8 sims instead of 10+). I hope this mod can be fixed (if it's even possible with how the sims AI works), as I'd love to see larger crowds at other venues such as gyms and lounges.
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 26th Jul 2021 at 2:19 PM
In response to the poster above I don't think much can be done in regards to a large number of sims and restaurants. I was using littlemissams more visitors lot trait mod and the same issue basically happened at restaurants which is a given because of how the system works. I think if anyone wants to use this with restaurants they just have to remove the suggested mod "no empty venues when arriving" so that your sims can be the first to grab a table QUICK lol. First come, first serve.
Great mod!!! Thanks. I hate how empty the worlds are!
The lot trait more visitors mod is good but I like this even better because it's not confined to a lot. It's the whole world!!
Test Subject
#9 Old 26th Jul 2021 at 10:50 PM
Default What to install
I'm so sorry, I already read the instructions twice and I'm still confused. From what I understood if I don't want more than 20 sims generated I don't need the district limit file. But do I still need the new resource file? Or will the mod work okay generating 20 sims without it?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#10 Old 27th Jul 2021 at 12:52 AM
Quote: Originally posted by carolyingfa
I'm so sorry, I already read the instructions twice and I'm still confused. From what I understood if I don't want more than 20 sims generated I don't need the district limit file. But do I still need the new resource file? Or will the mod work okay generating 20 sims without it?

******yes if you use MC Command Center you will only need the Resource.cfg file
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 29th Jul 2021 at 12:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by losson370
******yes if you use MC Command Center you will only need the Resource.cfg file

So I just download Your Resource file and add it to the mods directory, I don't have to do anything else?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#12 Old 30th Jul 2021 at 10:56 PM
Quote: Originally posted by AlexWolf
So I just download Your Resource file and add it to the mods directory, I don't have to do anything else?

delete the folders: cache, cachestr, the file localthumbcache.package (these 3 are in the documents folder of C: \ Users \ (your username) \ Documents \ Electronic Arts \ The Sims 4) and repair the game.
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 1st Aug 2021 at 4:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by losson370
delete the folders: cache, cachestr, the file localthumbcache.package (these 3 are in the documents folder of C: \ Users \ (your username) \ Documents \ Electronic Arts \ The Sims 4) and repair the game.

My game does not need to be repaired, I ask if I have the MC Command Center mod, is it enough to replace the Resource file from the game with Your Resource file and then it will be enough for Your mod to work, right?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#14 Old 4th Aug 2021 at 1:12 AM
Quote: Originally posted by AlexWolf
My game does not need to be repaired, I ask if I have the MC Command Center mod, is it enough to replace the Resource file from the game with Your Resource file and then it will be enough for Your mod to work, right?

yes, even with MC Command Center you will need my Resorce file, but repairing the game helps improve mod functionality, but it's optional.
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 4th Aug 2021 at 2:06 AM
Quote: Originally posted by losson370
yes, even with MC Command Center you will need my Resorce file, but repairing the game helps improve mod functionality, but it's optional.

So I don't need to install the Override directory, which is packed together in a zip file from Resource to install? Just the Resource file itself, right? What does it mean to properly" repairing the game"? You can explain it exactly because I don't understand .
Test Subject
#16 Old 5th Sep 2021 at 10:35 PM
Hi! I started getting critical exception errors when I tried travelling to other lots and narrowed the cause down to this mod. I had the most recent version, not sure if it was the recent patch or something that broke it. Would love to use it again if it gets updated, thanks!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#17 Old 7th Sep 2021 at 1:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by singularshelb
Hi! I started getting critical exception errors when I tried travelling to other lots and narrowed the cause down to this mod. I had the most recent version, not sure if it was the recent patch or something that broke it. Would love to use it again if it gets updated, thanks!

Let me know which batches are causing problems?
Test Subject
#18 Old 4th Oct 2021 at 10:38 AM
After removing this mod (specifically zonedirector2x and walkby), hosts and chefs now exist. I don't recall this bug on the older version. I hope this gets fixed as I like seeing full restaurants. Thanks
Test Subject
#19 Old 21st Oct 2021 at 9:58 AM
Hi! I have been using this mod ever since it was released and I have been enjoying it! However, I think the recent patch broke the mod(?), now fitness instructors, cooks and hosts takes a long time to spawn(when they do eventually spawn, they stand outside of the lot, unresponsive),the only way to remedy it is to remove the the mod all together. I would hate to play without the mod, I hope it would get fixed soon!
Test Subject
#20 Old 19th Nov 2021 at 8:11 PM
Hi ,
My game is up to date and I repaired
Also blocks the cooks at the entrance of a restaurant, does not react impossible to give the order, "start cooking again"
After an hour or two in game, they suddenly get to work
Test Subject
#21 Old 4th Feb 2022 at 3:50 PM
Apart from this unresolved problem works very well
Sims 4 version clean
Test Subject
#22 Old 23rd Feb 2022 at 10:04 PM
Thank you for this awesomeness!!!
Test Subject
#23 Old 12th Apr 2022 at 5:34 AM
Still getting the bug that causes the excessive number of librarians, bartenders, etc. to spawn. Has this been fixed yet?
Field Researcher
#24 Old 14th Apr 2022 at 10:48 AM
Quote: Originally posted by pivot_ob
Still getting the bug that causes the excessive number of librarians, bartenders, etc. to spawn. Has this been fixed yet?

So that's why I'm getting excessive bartenders. Thanks for the heads up!
Test Subject
#25 Old 10th May 2022 at 12:03 AM
Quote: Originally posted by pivot_ob
Still getting the bug that causes the excessive number of librarians, bartenders, etc. to spawn. Has this been fixed yet?

This is also really annoying me! I love this mod, but I just ended up removing it as I have 10 librarians for one lot, and they don't even do their job!
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