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The Single Dads Household from TS3 (Console)

by LegendofLink Posted 19th Apr 2024 at 10:03 PM - Updated 28th Jun 2024 at 8:59 PM by LegendofLink
10 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 4 Feedback Posts, 5 Thanks Posts
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#2 Old 19th Apr 2024 at 11:26 PM
Cool Idea, never played the console version. Is it so different? ^^
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 20th Apr 2024 at 4:13 AM
shot in the dark, do you think you might recreate the town itself at some point? i know that doing something like that is a different beast compared to creating sims so i'd understand if it's not something you'd do, but i've always wanted the console towns in the pc version so i had to ask.
Field Researcher
#4 Old 20th Apr 2024 at 12:30 PM
Quote: Originally posted by soul reaper magnum
shot in the dark, do you think you might recreate the town itself at some point? i know that doing something like that is a different beast compared to creating sims so i'd understand if it's not something you'd do, but i've always wanted the console towns in the pc version so i had to ask.

I think I saw something like that before ... but don't know where
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 20th Apr 2024 at 1:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by OhRudi
I think I saw something like that before ... but don't know where

really? the only luck i've ever had trying to find pc versions of moonlight bay or sugar maple coast was a japanese version recreation of moonlight bay on the sims 3 website. i still tried it even though it was a different language version from my game, but of course it didn't work.
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 20th Apr 2024 at 5:44 PM
Ooo! As the biggest TS3 Xbox fan, I totally love this.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#7 Old 20th Apr 2024 at 7:41 PM
Quote: Originally posted by soul reaper magnum
shot in the dark, do you think you might recreate the town itself at some point? i know that doing something like that is a different beast compared to creating sims so i'd understand if it's not something you'd do, but i've always wanted the console towns in the pc version so i had to ask.

Somebody already did years ago, that's why I'm making all the households! You can find the 1.67 version here (be warned though, all the lot named are broken due to japanese not translating to english right but you can edit that fine+nraas for the addresses:

And the 1.69 version is populated and names fixed I think, but doesn't work on 1.67:
Test Subject
Original Poster
#8 Old 20th Apr 2024 at 7:44 PM
Quote: Originally posted by OhRudi
Cool Idea, never played the console version. Is it so different? ^^

Yeah! It's like how console sims 2 games are, theres challenges to complete, totally different townies all with lore and premade relationship drama, a custom map unique to the console (even the wii apparently had a different town) and really polished tbh.
#9 Old 21st Apr 2024 at 11:39 PM
Thank you! They look great! I especially appreciate that they are CC free.
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 23rd Apr 2024 at 9:46 PM
thats nice
Test Subject
#11 Old 19th Oct 2024 at 4:50 PM
This household would be ideal for Sunset Valley...they could move in any one of the houses across the street from the Single Moms!