Testers Wanted: Lamb Chops - Adding a new food option proof of concept
I have a hunch on how to "recolor" the cloned food, and I will most likely be working on this over this weekend - but I thought I would post what I had so far.
Currently, all this does is add another food option "Lamb Chops" - it looks and acts exactly like pork chops, the only thing diffrent is the name.
(and please don't kill me - this is my first Beta Testers post ever)
Like the original, this item will only show up if your sim has 5 or more cooking points.
If any of your other food choices disappear, please let me know which ones.
If this burns your sim house down, please get your sim some more cooking points.
I cannot be held responsible for any fires or deaths resulting from this - in game or otherwise.

Uploaded: 22nd Dec 2004, 6.3 KB.
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[Testers wanted] (Final Update) New food - Pasta, herbs, and meatballs!
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Updated 04/17/2008: Lamb chops with potatoes and spinach leaves
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Open for Business
Food Remeshing (Proof of Concept #2)
by exor674 12th Mar 2005 at 4:14am
I am doing more expieriementation on food. In this test I am re-meshing the food. more...
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