Peggy Quiffed Bob - Recoloured
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I fell in love with this cute long bob with quiff on Peggy Zone, but not so much with her original colours! I've had a tweak around, and matched them to the shades I normally favour. Seeing as this set, in my eyes, needed a revamp for each colour I thought I'd share it on here as a complete set.
It's a gorgeous, versatile style which suits a lot of different shaped faces. (The models are sims I play, decendents of the original Pleasantview inhabitants. I often find it a struggle to get a hairstyle to suit blonde Cerys [grand-daughter of Dustin Broke]).

It’s one of the most recent Peggy Zone free hairs (released 29th January 2011), recoloured by me. There are the four basic Maxis colours: Black; Brown; Blonde; and Red: with one grey (grey is linked to blonde). They’re binned, family linked and compressed. Mesh is not included.
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Hope you enjoy!
Additional Credits:
Skintone – Ren @ MTS2
Make Up – Kneazlepuff @ MTS2, Bruno @ MTS2, SironaSims (Freckles)
Eyebrows - Kmulla @ MTS2
Clothes – Sentate, Adele, Aikea Guinea, Withered Lilies
Mirror - Adele
xox_loey Peggy Free 110129 Recolour.rar
Uploaded: 13th Feb 2011, 2.03 MB.
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Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available | (non-MTS link) |
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by nichellerj 21st Feb 2007 at 5:30am
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