Raonjena 94 Pooklet'd

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I am back with yet another round of pooklet recolors, and once again we can blame the monthly theme. January this year is the month of books, tv-series and movies. I've always loved books and I really wanted to do something book related. I am a big fan of the book series Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan (and later on, Brandon Sanderson) and this series starts out in the village of Emond's Field, in Two Rivers. In this forgotten part of the world, the mark of a grown woman is braided hair. Every girl looks forward to the day the womens circle decides she is old enough to braid her hair (see Two Rivers Culture on the WoT Wiki). One of the protagonists, Nynaeve al'Meara, sticks to this tradition all through the series, and is known to have her braid hanging over her shoulder, tugging on it when angry.

I happen to love braids, and my CC hair folder is jampacked with braid-related hairstyles. I thought that for this months theme in honor of the Two River tradition, I would recolor braids. While the ones I have are probably a bit more modern than what a true Two River inhabitant would have worn, I hope the thought counts I don't know how many I'll actually have time to do, but today we're going to honor the Nynaeve hanging-over shoulder braid, with Raonjena mesh 94.

Pooklet scheme
As usual I have made this in the Pooklet colors I use.

Family 1: Dynamite, Depth Charge, Incendiary, Explosive, Mail Bomb
Family 2: Land Mine, Brisance, Volatile, Pyrotechnic, Time Bomb

If anyone really wants the other pooklet colors, you are welcome to request them and when I have time I'll make them for you.

Technical information
- For females
- For ages toddler-elder
- Grey recolors only for elders
- Requires raonjena mesh 94
- Binned
- Family'd (see pictures above)
- Mesh is 10112 poly (WARNING! HIGH POLY! READ BELOW)
- Files are clearly named and have tooltips with the filename, so you should be able to pick and choose easily
- Compressed with jfade's compressorizor

Mesh information
Polycount is 10112. VERY HIGH POLY For more information about polycounts and why they matter, see this article at the Sims Wiki. If you experience lag, you should probably not use this hair as it will strain your computer.

The mesh is called raonjena_fhair94_mesh

Due to Raonjena's site being gone, I have included the mesh in this upload. Should she ever return, I will take it down and link to her site instead.

- Pooklet for the lovely pooklet hair colors
- Iakoa for the GIMP curves I used to create this
- Raonjena for the excellent mesh

Programs used
- Bodyshop
- MS Paint
- CatOfEvilGenius' tooltip adder (found here. I highly recommend it, very useful tool)
- jfade's compressorizer

What does family'd mean?
Family means that if your Sim has a hairstyle, and you switch from one haircolor to another, the game remembers the hairstyle and your Sim wears the same one but in the new color. It also means that when a Sim ages up, it'll keep the same hairstyle (if that age group is available).

What does pooklet'd mean?
Pooklet was a creator who created a set color scheme for hairstyles. Pooklet'd means that the recolors have been done in the pooklet color scheme, and will match other recolors that are pooklet. They are great if you want your Sims to change their hairstyle without magically changing the shade of their hair.

What is polycount and why does it matter?
See this great article on the Wiki for more information.
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