Animated - Placeable Reptiles - Jungle Snakes

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Want to see these Snakes in motion, get some additional info and see some examples on where to use them, then click this Youtube Video Link:
Bakies The Sims 4 Custom Content: Animated - Placeable Reptiles - Snakes (it's only 3:04 minutes long)

These files have been UPDATED on 5-12-2021 with the following things:
- They can now be found in the Pond VFX section in build mode.
- Object's titles have been updated with 'Bakie' in front of the title.
- Object's descriptions have been updated to new format.
- Object's Thumbnails have been updated with (Animated) text adjustments.
- Object's Thumbnails have been updated with a dark green background color. This makes it more clear in the Pond VFX section that these object look best when placed in Jungle and Tropical worlds.
- Prices have been changed for better placement in the Pond VFX section next to some of my other Jungle-ish vfx.

- Footprints changed from 1/4 tile to 2x2 tiles for easy pickup.
Please RE-DOWNLOAD and delete the old file!

Animated - Placeable Reptiles - Snakes
More placeable animals: Snakes!
They come in 2 different species. There's the Python and Milk Snake.
Like all my placeable animal mods, these objects are invisible, but aren't placeable onto lots.
The reason for this is that these snakes move over the ground from one side to the other. Placing them on a slot will make them probably "fly" through the air.
The direction they will be moving will depend on the place of the lot that they're placed on. Rotating the object will make the animation slightly different at the start, but eventually they will all move into the same direction.
For more info about that, some other things too and of course the actual animations, take a look at the video!

Object information:
These mods are BaseGame Compatible.
They're standalone objects, so they won't overwrite any other objects in game.
You can find all of them in Build mode > Pond VFX OR type Snake into the search bar.
You can also recognize them by my "BakieGaming" icon in the lower right corner of the thumbnail.
The cost for both Snake mods are: 8 Simoleons

Other mods visible on the Thumbnail:
- Walk-Through Grasses (Basegame + Jungle Adventures)
- Animated - Placeable Reptiles - Iguanas
- Unlocked + Slotted Temple Gate Entrance - Temple Shortcut
- Wall-light Waterfall
- Slotted Jungle Welcome-Sign - ONLY downloadable on my YouTube channel as part of my Animated - Placeable Birds - Toucan video

Game Requirements:
Basegame Compatible

Game Version:
Tested with gameversion:

I Hope you like these Placeable Snakes and will give me some credit if used in screenshots or videos!

>> Want to share my mods? <<
Besides giving me credit and linking back to this page, I would appreciate it if you could add my video instead of (only) the thumbnail.

Polygon Counts:
4 vertices
2 polygons

Additional Credits:
Thanks to the Sims 4 Studio
Thanks Adobe for making Photoshop
Creator Recommendations:
I have also made some other CC like Animated Objects/Walls/Floors, Invisible Dance Floors, Transparent Floor Windows, Pool Water Recolors, Backdrop & Trolley Replacements, (Dynamic Light) Clothing, Facemasks, Wallpapers, Floors, Stickers, Paintings, Unlocked Item Packs and other recolored objects. To see and or download them, please take a look at my profile page:
Other Download Recommendations:
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