Engineering Career Mod
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*Edited for Get Famous*
You have always been partial to the sciences and mathematics have always been easy for you. It was no surprise to anyone when you decided to become an engineer. From roads to mobile phones, engineers have been highly influential in shaping society. As an engineer, you will applying your mathematical and scientific knowledge to come up with innovative and creative solutions to today's problems.
Career Details:
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $20
Work Schedule: M T W T F - -
Start: 8 am (9 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 1
Landing a job even before graduation was surprising. Now, you are prepared to roll up your sleeves and put in the work to succeed. Get ready to work long hours in the field learning from the best in the business. It would probably be beneficial to use this time improving your logic skill to ensure you can keep up with the professionals.
2. Graduate Engineer
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $40
Work Schedule: M T W T F - -
Start: 9 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 2, Charisma 1
You've finally graduated and landed your first professional job at a world-renowned firm. You have the opportunity to work with and learn from the best. Use this opportunity wisely to form networks and make connections to your colleagues. Don't mess this up!
3. Associate Engineer
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $60
Work Schedule: M T W T F S -
Start: 8 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 3, Charisma 2
As an Associate Engineer, you perform routine engineering work and you are in charge of a few interns. Now would be a good time to pick a specialty and advance in your career.
1. Material Investigator
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $83
Work Schedule: M T W T F - -
Start: 9 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 4, Charisma 3, Programming 1
Your first task as a chemical engineer is to determine the best materials to use in order to manufacture items. Keep you nose to the grindstone and you might get promoted soon.
2. Process Designer
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $94
Work Schedule: M T W T F - -
Start: 9 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 5, Charisma 4, Programming 2
Congratulations on your promotion! As a process designer, your job is to come up with easier manufacturing processes that can be accomplished over a shorter period of time.
3. Biomolecular Manufacturer
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $102
Work Schedule: M T W T - - -
Start: 9 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 6, Charisma 5, Handiness 1
Biomolecules have been employed in drug design. Biomolecular engineers focus on molecular level solutions to issues and problems in the fields of agriculture, food production, biotechnology and medicine. Your job involves designing new drugs that can combat human diseases faster and more effectively.
4. Plant Constructor
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $108
Work Schedule: M - W T F - -
Start: 9 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 7, Charisma 6, Handiness 2
A new production plant is in order at your company. You have been placed in charge of designing a new plant that would improve the company's chemical manufacturing branch.
5. Project Leader
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $168
Work Schedule: M T - T - - -
Start: 9 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 8, Handiness 3, Programming 3
It's time to step up your game here. As project leader, you've been given bigger responsibilities. Now instead of running around getting coffees for other colleagues, you have interns and fresh graduates of your own for that.
6. Senior Engineer
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $200
Work Schedule: - T - T F - -
Start: 10 am (6 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 10, Handiness 5, Programming 5
All that hard work has paid off it seems as the company appears to be doing very well. You have proven your worth and your loyalty to the company. It is now your job to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
7. Chief Engineer
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $290
Work Schedule: - T W T - - -
Start: 10 am (6 hrs)
Objectives: N/A
Congratulations! After years of hard work, you have finally reached the pinnacle of your career. As a chief engineer, you oversee many other project teams. You are the person other colleagues turn to when they require any assistance.
With buildings, roads, and infrastructures being incredibly prominent and important in modern life, a civil engineer is always in demand. With an ever-growing population, civil engineers aim to merge ecologically-friendly designs with economical-friendly and sustainable builds. If coming up real-world solutions to environmental problems excite you, civil engineering would be an excellent choice.
1. Underground Dweller
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $82
Work Schedule: M T W T F - -
Start: 9 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 4, Charisma 3, Handiness 1
Your company has recently been contracted by the town's board to create a safe and efficient train system connecting the town with it's close neighbors. Tunnels need to be made and tracks need to be laid down. Good luck with your first task!
2. Water Resource Planner
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $96
Work Schedule: M T W T F - -
Start: 9 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 5, Charisma 4, Handiness 2
The growing population of your town means more buildings are being built. Your job is to create an new water distribution system that will provide for all residents of the town.
3. Urban Designer
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $104
Work Schedule: M T W T F - -
Start: 9 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 6, Charisma 5, Fitness 1
Urban sprawls are the new thing now with an ever growing population. Your recent promotion means you have a bigger responsibility now and your first job is to create long-term and sustainable housing plans.
4. Structural Analyst
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $110
Work Schedule: M T - T F - -
Start: 9 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 7, Charisma 7, Fitness 2
Your hard work has paid off it seems as you have been handed the reins of the data analysis team. As a structural analyst, you are required to determine the feasibility of buildings and roads. The future of the city is in your hands.
5. Project Leader
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $172
Work Schedule: - T W T - - -
Start: 10 am (6 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 8, Fitness 3, Handiness 3
It's time to step up your game here. As project leader, you've been given bigger responsibilities. Now instead of running around getting coffees for other colleagues, you have interns and fresh graduates of your own for that.
6. Senior Engineer
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $195
Work Schedule: M - - T F - -
Start: 10 am (6 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 10, Fitness 5, Handiness 5
All that hard work has paid off it seems as the company appears to be doing very well. You have proven your worth and your loyalty to the company. It is now your job to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
7. Chief Engineer
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $285
Work Schedule: - T W - F - -
Start: 10 am (6 hrs)
Objectives: N/A
Congratulations! After years of hard work, you have finally reached the pinnacle of your career. As a chief engineer, you oversee many other project teams. You are the person other colleagues turn to when they require any assistance.
A rapidly growing field, electrical engineering involves the design and study of various electrical and electronic systems. From Luigi Galvani to Thomas Edison, electrical engineers have contributed to our understanding of the world around us with their discoveries and inventions. If improving technology for health and communication is your passion, electrical engineering is right for you.
1. Circuit Tester
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $85
Work Schedule: M T W T F - -
Start: 9 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 4, Charisma 3, Programming 1
Your first task as a junior electrical engineer is to design and test circuits for systems. These systems can range from wiring for houses to more complex systems such as electrical train lines. Work hard and you might just earn a promotion.
2. Controller Designer
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $94
Work Schedule: M T W T F - -
Start: 9 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 5, Charisma 4, Programming 2
Congratulations on your first promotion! Using the power of electrical signals and digital algorithms, your job is to design and test electrical systems to come up with lighter and more efficient motor systems.
3. Signal Analyst
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $105
Work Schedule: M T W - F - -
Start: 9 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 6, Charisma 5, Programming 3
With an increasing rise in signal systems, there has never been a better time to be a signal analyst. Your job as an analyst is to understand and improve signal transmission and wireless communication.
4. Robot Builder
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $110
Work Schedule: M - W T F - -
Start: 9 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 7, Charisma 6, Programming 4
Bzzt bzzt! What's that? It's your new robot creation. Automation is a growing field and your boss wants in on it. You've been given the task of designing functional robots that operate in a wide number of fields such as medicine, and manufacturing. Don't mess up and create a killing machine though!
5. Project Leader
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $175
Work Schedule: M T - - F - -
Start: 10 am (6 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 8, Charisma 7, Programming 7
It's time to step up your game here. As project leader, you've been given bigger responsibilities. Now instead of running around getting coffees for other colleagues, you have interns and fresh graduates of your own for that.
6. Senior Engineer
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $180
Work Schedule: - T - T F - -
Start: 10 am (6 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 10, Charisma 8, Programming 9
All that hard work has paid off it seems as the company appears to be doing very well. You have proven your worth and your loyalty to the company. It is now your job to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
7. Chief Engineer
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $300
Work Schedule: - T W T - - -
Start: 10 am (6 hrs)
Objectives: N/A
Congratulations! After years of hard work, you have finally reached the pinnacle of your career. As a chief engineer, you oversee many other project teams. You are the person other colleagues turn to when they require any assistance.
Mechanical Engineer
Have you always been interested in machines and mechanical systems? Do you dream of developing a machine that is able to improve lives? As a mechanical engineer, you will be involved in the design and manufacture of physical and mechanical systems.
1. Device Designer
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $80
Work Schedule: M T W T F - -
Start: 9 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 4, Charisma 3, Handiness 1
Welcome to mechanical engineering! As a newly chartered engineer, you are in charge of coming up with innovative ideas for the client. From medical equipment to television remotes, the exciting world of machines await you.
2. Appliance Tester
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $95
Work Schedule: M T W T F - -
Start: 9 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 5, Charisma 4, Handiness 2
Congratulations on your first promotion. You are now in charge of testing the products that have come off the assembly line. Should a faulty equipment be detected, you are in charge of notifying the project leader. Try not to lose a limb!
3. Product Quality Analyst
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $100
Work Schedule: M T - T F - -
Start: 9 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 6, Charisma 5, Handiness 3
As a quality analyst you are in charge of determining the feasibility of any potential projects and if there is any demand for it. This is an important job as the company only have so many staff to work on a project at one time. Prioritizing is key here.
4. Design Manufacturer
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $105
Work Schedule: M T W - F - -
Start: 9 am (8 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 7, Charisma 6, Handiness 4
As design manufacturer, you are in charge of overseeing the entire process of manufacturing. Keep a sharp eye out for any signs of trouble. A single fault in the production line could mess up an entire day's work.
5. Project Leader
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $160
Work Schedule: M - W - F - -
Start: 10 am (6 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 8, Charisma 7, Handiness 7
It's time to step up your game here. As project leader, you've been given bigger responsibilities. Now instead of running around getting coffees for other colleagues, you have interns and fresh graduates of your own for that.
6. Senior Engineer
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $180
Work Schedule: M T - T - - -
Start: 10 am (6 hrs)
Objectives: Logic 10, Charisma 8, Handiness 9
All that hard work has paid off it seems as the company appears to be doing very well. You have proven your worth and your loyalty to the company. It is now your job to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
7. Chief Engineer
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Pay: $280
Work Schedule: M - - T F - -
Start: 10 am (6 hrs)
Objectives: N/A
Congratulations! After years of hard work, you have finally reached the pinnacle of your career. As a chief engineer, you oversee many other project teams. You are the person other colleagues turn to when they require any assistance.
Additional Information:
This mod is currently only available in English.
Mod work with version 1.46 However, there seems to be an issue with the sim’s shadow remaining behind when they leave for work.
This is a rabbit hole career.
Special thanks to:
Neia's Neia's Create a Career Tool
Python 3.3
Career Icon: Icon made by Freepik from
Branch icons: Icons made by Eucalyp from
Engineering module images from:
- My own saves
Uploaded: 6th Jan 2019, 1.82 MB.
Uploaded: 9th Nov 2018, 975.4 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Need more information?
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
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