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My version of ZERO's University Costs More mod
by Faith93 17th Jul 2022 at 5:55pm
Inspired by Zero's University Costs More Mod. Thanks and Credit to Zerosims mods! more...
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My version of ZERO's University Costs More mod
by Faith93 17th Jul 2022 at 5:55pm
Inspired by Zero's University Costs More Mod. Thanks and Credit to Zerosims mods! more...
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Long time Simmer. New to Mods
Hi! I'm Faith and I am a long time lover of the sims. I started playing the original when I was in first or second grade (I had an older sibling and my parents didn't understand game ratings or know about whoohoo). I ended up getting really sick when I was ten and was disabled until I was in my early 20's. During this time I couldn't go to school and had a lot of physical issues, so The Sims became my happy place and helped me stay sane. Now I'm 28 and a full-time student and the Sims is still how I like to relax and temporarily ignore reality. Anyway, I just started getting into mods. This summer I downloaded the sims 4 studio to started to make minor XML tuning mods for my own game and playing around with recoloring CC. I may be sharing some of these here.
Any tuning mod I post can be shared/recreated in any way you want. Unless I start making mods that add actual gameplay, (which is extremely unlikely) I see no way I can take credit for "creating" the mods.
If I post a recolor or other cc (which may or may not happen) feel free to do whatever with it. But if you upload it somewhere, please share a link to my version also. Again I don't foresee me creating original cc/meshes so it shouldn't matter about crediting me.
Thanks and Happy Simming! :)
Any tuning mod I post can be shared/recreated in any way you want. Unless I start making mods that add actual gameplay, (which is extremely unlikely) I see no way I can take credit for "creating" the mods.
If I post a recolor or other cc (which may or may not happen) feel free to do whatever with it. But if you upload it somewhere, please share a link to my version also. Again I don't foresee me creating original cc/meshes so it shouldn't matter about crediting me.
Thanks and Happy Simming! :)