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Windows and Doors: Chloe's Set
by Aurelia 5th Feb 2008 at 3:04pm
You know those euro doors and windows that came with OFB? I love 'em, but the colors, ack! more...
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Windows and Doors: Chloe's Set
by Aurelia 5th Feb 2008 at 3:04pm
You know those euro doors and windows that came with OFB? I love 'em, but the colors, ack! more...
+1 packsOpen for Business
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Just a poor simmer like the rest of you...*grin*
Please do not post my creations on your websites, link to here. My items are file share friendly, packed with clean pack installer, with the exception of any custom content made by myself. I take no responsibility for anything they may do to your game or pc, though all items are thoroughly tested by myself and any willing victims I can find.
Please do not post my creations on your websites, link to here. My items are file share friendly, packed with clean pack installer, with the exception of any custom content made by myself. I take no responsibility for anything they may do to your game or pc, though all items are thoroughly tested by myself and any willing victims I can find.