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by Alexander.Chubaty 8th Jul 2008 at 4:34am
An extravagent castle based loosely on Schloss Neuschwanstein and priced at a whopping 1.2 million, it has about every ammenity more...
+9 packs
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Bon Voyage
Free Time
by Alexander.Chubaty 8th Jul 2008 at 3:37am
This is a modern style concert hall with five levels of seating, and towering 4-story mirrored lobby. more...
+9 packs
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Bon Voyage
Free Time
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About Me
I'm a musician and love meshing different musical instruments so I am willing to take requests for anything along the lines of the whole music theme.