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by *Cailin-as-Eire* 31st Jan 2007 at 7:26pm
I've named this boat house "An Bhfarrige" (pronounced on farriga - the Irish word for sea). more...
+4 packs
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by *Cailin-as-Eire* 27th Jan 2007 at 11:01pm
This Detailed 3 story Medievil castle has a beautiful sunken garden, with a small lake, beautiful trees, a fountain and more...
+4 packs
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by *Cailin-as-Eire* 16th Jan 2007 at 9:03pm
Uisce Peaks (pronounced ish-ca=the irish word for water) has 3 floors with a large openplan kitchen/living area. more...
+4 packs
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Use my clothes for whatever you like but please don't re-upload my lots!
I hate the way people take uploads and downloads for the sims so seriously, its a game remember-its supposed to be fun!!! So Anyone can use my clothes for anything they want and i'm not bothered if u link back to me or even give me credit,-just enjoy it and feel free to use it in your uploads of whole sims etc (just don't re-upload my lots - especially not my boat house!-thanks)xox.
Oh and by the way, a few people have already asked my title simply means girl from Ireland in Irish, creative I know lol!!
Oh and by the way, a few people have already asked my title simply means girl from Ireland in Irish, creative I know lol!!