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by draconicus 2nd Feb 2010 at 5:09pm
So, one night I was up late and laying in bed... and suddenly I thought up this monstrosity here. more...
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by draconicus 2nd Feb 2010 at 5:09pm
So, one night I was up late and laying in bed... and suddenly I thought up this monstrosity here. more...
+10 packs
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Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
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Draccy's Lair
Hi there.
You can call me Draccy for short.
I specialize in making non-human skintones and accessory recolors, particularly scaly ones. You'll find that most of my work is geared towards what is most unavailable in the Sims 2 modding community.
I'm experimenting with accessory meshing, though SimPE does not make it a simple task to implement newly created mesh data when it comes to working with accessories, so my progress is slow.
I'm happy to take requests from those who would like to see their ideal parts created for them. My primary focus in this field involves skintones and recolors, and I don't do humans. I only accept requests for the unusual and exotic.
I'm no huge fan of meshing and if what you want is not in high demand then I probably won't be willing to do it. Regardless, all of my work is free.
If you're a fur or if you otherwise have some sort of character you would like created, don't hesitate to send me a note. I do personal skintones and recolors where applicable. All I ask in return is appreciation for my efforts, but don't expect items like these to be uploaded unless they're a fairly general design that many people could appreciate.
You can call me Draccy for short.
I specialize in making non-human skintones and accessory recolors, particularly scaly ones. You'll find that most of my work is geared towards what is most unavailable in the Sims 2 modding community.
I'm experimenting with accessory meshing, though SimPE does not make it a simple task to implement newly created mesh data when it comes to working with accessories, so my progress is slow.
I've recently moved on to playing TS3, and may or may not discontinue my work with TS2 altogether. Until I can do what I could with TS2, I won't really be interested in doing much for TS3. |
I'm no huge fan of meshing and if what you want is not in high demand then I probably won't be willing to do it. Regardless, all of my work is free.
If you're a fur or if you otherwise have some sort of character you would like created, don't hesitate to send me a note. I do personal skintones and recolors where applicable. All I ask in return is appreciation for my efforts, but don't expect items like these to be uploaded unless they're a fairly general design that many people could appreciate.