Scott Summers of X-Men (X-Men Evolution)
by emino 27th Aug 2006 at 7:50pm
Yay! Finally my favourite X-Man Scott Summers aka Cyclops is here!!! more...
25 57k 12
Kitty Pryde of The X-Men (X-Men Evolution)
by emino 1st Jun 2006 at 10:22pm
Hey! more...
34 89.6k 27
Lance Alvers of The Brotherhood (X-Men Evolution) *updated 31st May*
by emino 26th May 2006 at 3:53pm
*updated 31st May* teen version of Lance's full body outfit by yours truly :P. (em_tm_avalance.rar) Howdy! more...
39 37.9k 3
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About Me
He is strictly straight, even though sometimes he may behave or act otherwise, he is undeniably straight. Although, he wouldn’t mind compliments from both sexes. Just keep that in mind!
He’s the second of four sons in his family, and is the son of a bank officer and a high school teacher. He also have a baby sister who is 16 years younger than him.
Emino enjoyed doing artsy and techie stuffs. He is also an animal lover, which is proven with him being the caretaker of 11 other lives (3 sugar gliders & 7 guinea pigs and a white-faced roborovski hamsters).
He usually spends his day off by watching tv. He also often be spotted hanging out at a local petshop, with his Alienware, Nintendo DS and pet sugar gliders.
Oh yeah, this boy also thinks he’s funny.