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A pixel dollie/Covered in makeup and stuff/For you to play with
by ldms510
2nd Jan 2006 at 11:48pm
I added these three sims because it seems people are accepting them without the needed hair and clothes. more...
by ldms510
2nd Jan 2006 at 8:44pm
Mmm, poor misunderstood Rayek. He doesn't really have a good track-record with lovemates... Oh well, he looks good! more...
by ldms510
30th Dec 2005 at 11:43pm
Thanks Jonas3333 and Azurajen for uploading their sims and giving me the courage to share mine. more...
Ember **more pics
by ldms510
30th Dec 2005 at 11:23pm
Thanks Jonas3333 and Azurajen for uploading their sims and giving me the courage to share mine. more...
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