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A pixel dollie/Covered in makeup and stuff/For you to play with
Gaspard Ulliel (Hannibal Lecter)
by jenfold 18th Feb 2007 at 1:04am
Having recently seen Hannibal Rising I’ve felt a slight compulsion to sim Mr Ulliel amongst other things! more...
23 36.6k 9
Alex Turner of the Arctic Monkeys
by jenfold 17th Oct 2006 at 10:26pm
By request Alex Turner lead singer of British indie band the Arctic Monkeys. more...
21 34.9k 15
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Usage Policy
Forget the snazzy picture. I feel like being simple and quite simply I have only two things I ask.
1) Do not claim my work as your own. (you don't have to credit me just please don't say it's yours)
2) Do not upload anything I have made to any sim site that is not 100% free. Also please make sure anything using textures I've made stays only on free sites as well.
Really that's it. Send me a pm if you've done anything cool using my textures or made movies with my stuff in cos I'm nosey. :P
I no longer take requests or suggestions. I simply do not have the time.
On Installation Issues:
I will not answers pm's about installation issues. This is because people rarely give me any specific information and everything that I would tell you is covered in detail by this site's help section. And if reading that advice doesn't help you I'm sorry but I wouldn't be able to either.
If you have specific problems with obtaining meshes etc. please comment on the upload using the feedback option - it's what it's there for. I regularly read comments so it will get to me.
If the file tells you it's corrupted when you try to open it please for the love of jeebus redownload. Seriously if they already have a couple of thousand downloads it's not them, it's you.
1) Do not claim my work as your own. (you don't have to credit me just please don't say it's yours)
2) Do not upload anything I have made to any sim site that is not 100% free. Also please make sure anything using textures I've made stays only on free sites as well.
Really that's it. Send me a pm if you've done anything cool using my textures or made movies with my stuff in cos I'm nosey. :P
I no longer take requests or suggestions. I simply do not have the time.
On Installation Issues:
I will not answers pm's about installation issues. This is because people rarely give me any specific information and everything that I would tell you is covered in detail by this site's help section. And if reading that advice doesn't help you I'm sorry but I wouldn't be able to either.
If you have specific problems with obtaining meshes etc. please comment on the upload using the feedback option - it's what it's there for. I regularly read comments so it will get to me.
If the file tells you it's corrupted when you try to open it please for the love of jeebus redownload. Seriously if they already have a couple of thousand downloads it's not them, it's you.