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Leesester's Window Box
A pixel dollie/Covered in makeup and stuff/For you to play with
This user is also part of 4 modding groups! See groups
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About me
Welcome to my Profile Page
In addition to all the things I have uploaded to MTS I also have a site of my own, We have free downloads from various creators and accept Sims related uploads from members. Click on the link below to visit the site.
Extra Policy Information
Please feel free to use my meshes in your lots as long as you give me credit for it and please do not share elsewhere as your own work.
The only exception to my policy for uploading with lots is the milk bottle door changer, which should not be uploaded in a lot.
Feel free to include any of my meshes in mesh packs etc in your uploads EXCEPT for on Pay Sites.
If you use my items I would love to know about it, but you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.
In addition to all the things I have uploaded to MTS I also have a site of my own, We have free downloads from various creators and accept Sims related uploads from members. Click on the link below to visit the site.
Extra Policy Information
Please feel free to use my meshes in your lots as long as you give me credit for it and please do not share elsewhere as your own work.
The only exception to my policy for uploading with lots is the milk bottle door changer, which should not be uploaded in a lot.
Feel free to include any of my meshes in mesh packs etc in your uploads EXCEPT for on Pay Sites.
If you use my items I would love to know about it, but you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.
Modding Groups
1 upload
1 upload
The Merrye Makers
37 uploads
The Coffin Crew
· a band of merry modders
1 upload