by PharaohHound 8th Jan 2013 at 1:24am
Give your Weims and Dobes the big chest they've always wanted! more...
by PharaohHound 7th Jul 2012 at 9:17pm
Head size, belly width, and muzzle size! more...
Tail Thickness Slider for Pets
by PharaohHound 1st Jul 2012 at 11:31pm
Give your pets those thick, lustrous tails they've always desired! more...
by PharaohHound 27th Jun 2012 at 7:47pm
Give your draft horses the legs they've always wanted! more...
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About My Creations
I'm pretty chill about stuff overall, with some boundaries:
- Please do not reupload my content unmodified anywhere else.
- Do not include my content with lots.
- Don't use any of my content as a base (including pets) or as CC (e.g. patterns used in a lot) in uploads for pay/donation
- If using my pets as a base, please credit me and link back to the original post
- If in the future I create any items worth recolouring, I welcome recolours provided they respect the previous policies.