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Brasstex's Bubble
Stuff to stick on sims/Makeup and clothes and suchlike/Tart 'em up a bit.
BTX Infantry
by Brasstex
6th Sep 2007 at 4:21pm
Includes Mesh and texture. It's not for everyone but may enhance storytelling scenarios. more...
Exobot Varia
by Brasstex
24th May 2007 at 8:30pm
This is a updated version of the original exobot that I created when the game first came out. more...
by Brasstex
13th Feb 2007 at 2:38pm
This is the last of my alternative clowns/jesters, hope you have some fun with them. more...
by Brasstex
10th Feb 2007 at 8:50pm
This is the second of three alternative clown type outfits. It comes with a Mask that is a seperate accessory. more...
by Brasstex
2nd Jul 2005 at 9:14pm
This is a tericloth bathrobe for adult males. It comes in blue and yellow, both included W/ Mesh_ file. more...
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Recolor any sims meshes at will, please link to the mesh.