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Stuff to stick on sims/Makeup and clothes and suchlike/Tart 'em up a bit.
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Clothing 4
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Terms of Use
We hope you enjoy our creations and use them for your own personal gaming pleasure.
1. You may recolor any of our creations:
a) Please contact us and let us know you are going to do this.
b) Please give credit and link to the item's mesh at MTS.
2. You may include any of our creations with your lots uploaded to any free site:
a) Please contact us and let us know you are going to do this.
b) Please give credit and link to the item's mesh at MTS.
3. Please DO NOT re-upload to pay sites and DO NOT claim or imply any of our creations are your own.
4. If you use our creations in your screenshots, credit would be appreciated.
Thank you all for the opportunity to contribute back to the community. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send us a PM.
Debra and Michelle
Fused together in friendship to create for the Sims.
1. You may recolor any of our creations:
a) Please contact us and let us know you are going to do this.
b) Please give credit and link to the item's mesh at MTS.
2. You may include any of our creations with your lots uploaded to any free site:
a) Please contact us and let us know you are going to do this.
b) Please give credit and link to the item's mesh at MTS.
3. Please DO NOT re-upload to pay sites and DO NOT claim or imply any of our creations are your own.
4. If you use our creations in your screenshots, credit would be appreciated.
Thank you all for the opportunity to contribute back to the community. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send us a PM.
Debra and Michelle
Fused together in friendship to create for the Sims.
Modding Group Members
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· Instructor
24 uploads
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· Theorist
Whenever you see a "Say Thanks" button show the creator you appreciate their on it. You can also find more of my work at Leefish and Plumb Bob Keep 882 uploads