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Stuff to stick on sims/Makeup and clothes and suchlike/Tart 'em up a bit.
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*By Request* (Mr_Milenko) - College Jersey Tops (Michigan)
by syn28 19th Nov 2006 at 5:42pm
Here you go! more...
7 4.9k 1 -
*By Request* (King Mob) - College Jersey Tops
by syn28 18th Nov 2006 at 7:46pm
Here you go! more...
7 8.7k 1
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Yeah I know it's been a while and yes I know I said I was back when it reality I wasn't truly. Let's just say I had a move to the arctic that kind of put creation on hold. Also when I had first entertained the prospect of adding new designs to the Sims 3 it was a relatively new process at the time with not much in terms of tutorials. Now , my goodness, there are tons. While I don't envision delving into meshing until I learn more, I think I got the skinning down to a science finally. With that said I'd like to debut some CFL jerseys (for a change) as my reintroduction back into designing.
I have a problem though.
I don't admittedly don't know much about the players in the CFL so if anyone could help me out that'd be swell.
I'm looking for suggestions. x2 players from each of the eight teams.
People willing to assist will be granted exclusive tester access to the designs. I figure if you're jazzed about letting me know who's jersey to make you'd be equally as stoked to test it in game first. Credits will be paid to you when the designs are finally uploaded.
Help me make your sporting experience that much better!
I have a problem though.
I don't admittedly don't know much about the players in the CFL so if anyone could help me out that'd be swell.
I'm looking for suggestions. x2 players from each of the eight teams.
People willing to assist will be granted exclusive tester access to the designs. I figure if you're jazzed about letting me know who's jersey to make you'd be equally as stoked to test it in game first. Credits will be paid to you when the designs are finally uploaded.
Help me make your sporting experience that much better!