SIMbucks Pink floral Damask for the thrifty SIM
by mal1958 21st Dec 2005 at 3:08am
Here are four walls that are nearly identical to the expensive ones. more...
SIMbucks Pink Floral Damask Walls
by mal1958 21st Dec 2005 at 2:55am
Here is my first new installment on walls.. more...
SIMbucks Wood parquet flooring part 1
by mal1958 20th Dec 2005 at 8:00am
Hi all, I am SIMbucks, (I know that the posted name says mal1958, but it is really me). more...
1 3.2k
SIMbucks Jerusalem Limestone walls (set 1)
by mal1958 3rd Oct 2005 at 6:00am
I made these walls for the original Sims, but when I got my hands on the HomeMaker 2, I had more...
9 3.8k
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