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Build mode items for your residential, community, and various other lots.
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Walls and Floors 6Doors & Windows 1
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Bari Buildset - Sunday Morning
by Klaartje 14th Sep 2014 at 10:48am
Sunday Morning palette recolors of Veranka's Bari Build more...
6 13.2k 21
Humpty Dumpty Nursery Wallpaper
by Klaartje 4th Jul 2014 at 7:03pm
Ten different wallpapers for your nurseries - TS3 patterns more...
9 8.5k 36
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About Me
I am a builder who has recently been discovering other areas of custom content creation.
You may include my recolors with your uploads to free sites.
Please do not convert any of my stuff.
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You may include my recolors with your uploads to free sites.
Please do not convert any of my stuff.
Please give credit where credit is due.