Crystal Skull with recolors By Request
by GuildMaster 24th Feb 2006 at 10:43am
This new mesh was part of a request from Omengoddess to use for some of her more normal viewer movies. more...
13 13.6k 14
Multiple Skulls Recolor: Engineered Angst Poster and Rolling hills Painting
by GuildMaster 23rd Feb 2006 at 8:29am
I got bored messing around with blender one night and decided to do a scene and realized that it was more...
+2 packs
Abbydos and Mayan: A-Stroke Painting Recolor
by GuildMaster 29th Jan 2006 at 11:09am
These paintings are made using pics of 3D models I made. more...
2 4.1k
GuildMaster Edition AstroWonder Telescope
by GuildMaster 28th Jan 2006 at 10:32am
I figured since the Farstar E3 recolor was a big hit I would do the cheap telescope too. more...
7 7.4k 2
by GuildMaster 28th Jan 2006 at 3:44am
The Farscope E3 GuildMaster Edition: This is my first uploadable anything that I have made, so I hope somebody more...
19 17.1k 9