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Furnishings and decoration for your Sims' homes.
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Val Babayants' artwork on Maxis meshes
by Queen of France 7th Jul 2016 at 12:28am
Val Babayants, a NY-based artist's, artwork on Artig, C-Stroke, and Grilled Cheese meshes. more...
+2 packs
Free Time
by Queen of France 13th Oct 2013 at 2:12pm
For the walls, lockers, and closets of those sims who fancy the mysterious types. more...
+1 packs
by Queen of France 29th Sep 2013 at 8:30pm
A cuddly little effigy of your children's future robot overlord. Teach them proper respect from the earliest of ages! more...
52 68.6k 307
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Here's my general cc blog!
Feel free to use my textures and meshes for your own cc however you please - editing, including meshes in your uploads, repositorying textures, so on. Credit is appreciated; I'd love to see what you used my creations for, if you're willing to share!
If you want to use my artwork - either Sims-related or not - please ask me first.
All I ask is that you don't upload my stuff, and anything that was made with my stuff, to paysites, and that you don't claim you made what I made, and that you don't use them for things not related to TS2 - as in, no using my textures on your personal/professional 3D work, for example. I'm good with literally anything else: conversions, remixes, using Hal as clutter on a set piece, proactive archives of my work, including meshes with your lots etc. Go nuts, I make stuff for the community and the joy of seeing people enjoy what I create.
Check out my art blog!
Feel free to use my textures and meshes for your own cc however you please - editing, including meshes in your uploads, repositorying textures, so on. Credit is appreciated; I'd love to see what you used my creations for, if you're willing to share!
If you want to use my artwork - either Sims-related or not - please ask me first.
All I ask is that you don't upload my stuff, and anything that was made with my stuff, to paysites, and that you don't claim you made what I made, and that you don't use them for things not related to TS2 - as in, no using my textures on your personal/professional 3D work, for example. I'm good with literally anything else: conversions, remixes, using Hal as clutter on a set piece, proactive archives of my work, including meshes with your lots etc. Go nuts, I make stuff for the community and the joy of seeing people enjoy what I create.
Check out my art blog!