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Stuff to change your game/Make your sims do some backflips/Or something like that
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Liri's Sims Stuff
I've been a Sims player since 2000, and have loved the franchise ever since. A staple of any of the Sims games I've owned has always been custom content. When Sims 4 released, there was such a lack of content that I started learning how to make my own content...and what a steep learning curve that was. Since then, every piece of content I decided to release has been lovingly made and shared with the community, so that they can enjoy these new pieces in their game as much as I do. A lot of effort and time goes into making each piece of custom content, and it is what I mainly spend my time on whenever I have free time. It is such a pleasure to give back to a community which has shared their hard work with millions of sims fans worldwide.