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Coffee Addict
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I have very few policies about using my stuff. Mostly, just give me credit when recoloring or whatnot. You CAN use, modify, recolor, include in lots, include my meshes with your recolors with a link please, upload my earrings with your sims, anything you basically want to do with my stuff except, please do not upload my stuff to TSR. My stuff is still there under protest and I don't want recolors of my meshes over there.
I would appreciate you letting me know if you are going to do something with my objects, just so I can see it.
I don't generally do requests. Most things people ask me for are already out there. Use the WCIF forum.
I would appreciate you letting me know if you are going to do something with my objects, just so I can see it.
I don't generally do requests. Most things people ask me for are already out there. Use the WCIF forum.