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by wolfmage64
Hi everyone, I would like to share my third CAS; Modern Suite that I created. more...
+3 packsUniversityNightlifeOpen for Business -
by wolfmage64
Hello Everyone, This is my second CAS upload. The theme reflects Modern Luxury. more...
+3 packsUniversityNightlifeOpen for Business -
by wolfmage64
Hi Everyone, This is my first uploaded CAS I want to share, the file is relatively big when more...
+3 packsUniversityNightlifeOpen for Business
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1)Do not upload anything to any other sims2 shared and/or paid website
2) No distribution of my creations any website and claim as your own work. This is a direct violation Intellectual Property Law (Law No.122) Articles 1-33
3)Always Link to this download page for downloading my items
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5)Recolours welcome
2) No distribution of my creations any website and claim as your own work. This is a direct violation Intellectual Property Law (Law No.122) Articles 1-33
3)Always Link to this download page for downloading my items
4)No modification on my meshes and claim as your own work
5)Recolours welcome