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Charcoal and Creme Medallion Rug
by jhayann1 15th Jan 2006 at 6:26pm
Rectangular rug has charcoal-colored border, creme background, with charcoal medallion in the center. CEP required to view recolored object. more...
8 15.7k 5
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* No uploading/sharing my files alone; share a link to my MTS profile instead.
* Uploading/sharing my creations & claiming they're yours is also not allowed.
* You must give me credit for each item used/shared/uploaded when permission is given, as noted below.
* No recolors allowed on any of my Sims 2 creations.
* Can include my Sims 3 recolors with your original creations as long as credit is given/linked to me as noted below. (Example: my furniture included with your original house, my clothes with your custom sim.)
* Patterns can be recolored; please give me credit for the pattern used.
* Reusing my textures in any other manner is not allowed.
For each of my creations that you are allowed to share, include, or upload, you MUST give me credit for that particular item and link it to it's download page, as well as include a link to my MTS profile:
* No uploading/sharing my files alone; share a link to my MTS profile instead.
* Uploading/sharing my creations & claiming they're yours is also not allowed.
* You must give me credit for each item used/shared/uploaded when permission is given, as noted below.
* No recolors allowed on any of my Sims 2 creations.
* Can include my Sims 3 recolors with your original creations as long as credit is given/linked to me as noted below. (Example: my furniture included with your original house, my clothes with your custom sim.)
* Patterns can be recolored; please give me credit for the pattern used.
* Reusing my textures in any other manner is not allowed.
For each of my creations that you are allowed to share, include, or upload, you MUST give me credit for that particular item and link it to it's download page, as well as include a link to my MTS profile: