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Realism Galore! - 4 Eye Sets - 2 Defaults
by pickpock 3rd May 2007 at 9:43pm
Edit: I'm featured!!? *checks the date so it's not April 1st again, then faints from the shock* Hi! more...
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The Penguin's Policy and Other Stuff
This is the profile of the slightly mad creator who thinks she's a penguin *honk*
Give me fish or comments if you want me to love you ^^
New Policy as of July :)
Feel free to do anything with my eyes and other CC as long as you credit. A link to my profile here or on Insim is fine.
The only exceptions are: NO PAYSITES!
and don't upload my CC by it's own on your site. Using my altered textures is fine. But if I want all my stuff available somewhere, I'll be the one to post it.
If you want to PM me and tell me what you use it for it would be great, but it's not something you have to do.
I sometimes (okay, pretty often) change backgrounds and details with photoshop (like hair for example) on my pics, but I never mess with the stuff that I'm uploading.
Sometimes I'm at the site quite a lot, and sometimes it'll go weeks inbetween, all depending on RL.
This is the profile of the slightly mad creator who thinks she's a penguin *honk*
Give me fish or comments if you want me to love you ^^
New Policy as of July :)
Feel free to do anything with my eyes and other CC as long as you credit. A link to my profile here or on Insim is fine.
The only exceptions are: NO PAYSITES!
and don't upload my CC by it's own on your site. Using my altered textures is fine. But if I want all my stuff available somewhere, I'll be the one to post it.
If you want to PM me and tell me what you use it for it would be great, but it's not something you have to do.
I sometimes (okay, pretty often) change backgrounds and details with photoshop (like hair for example) on my pics, but I never mess with the stuff that I'm uploading.
Sometimes I'm at the site quite a lot, and sometimes it'll go weeks inbetween, all depending on RL.