okie guys heres somthing new....natalie imbruglia it took me awhile to get her face rite but i think its as more...
12 11.1k 2 -
pink micro mini dress (mesh by telamon)
this new micro mini dress is made on telammons AWESOME new mesh i painted the nails white and i more...
okay i got the AMAZING mesh from this website i forgot with thread and i was looking for it today more...
okay i got the AMAZING mesh from this website i forgot with thread and i was looking for it today more...
pink micro mini dress (mesh by telamon)
this new micro mini dress is made on telammons AWESOME new mesh i painted the nails white and i more...
okie guys heres somthing new....natalie imbruglia it took me awhile to get her face rite but i think its as more...
12 11.1k 2