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vB Code
vB code is a set of tags based on the HTML language that you may already be familiar with. They allow you to add formatting to your messages in the same way as HTML does, but have a simpler syntax and will never break the layout of the pages you are viewing. The ability to use vB Code is set on a forum-by-forum basis by the administrator, so you should check the forum rules when you post a new message.

Below is a list of the vB Codes you can use to format your messages.
vB Code List
[b], [i], [u] Bold / Italic / Underline
[color] Color
[size] Size
[highlight] Highlight
[left], [right], [center] Left / Right / Center
[indent] Indent
[email] Email Linking
[url] URL Hyperlinking
[thread] Thread Linking
[post] Post Linking
[list] Bulleted Lists / Advanced Lists
[img] Images
[code] Code
[quote] Quote
[anchor] Anchor
[anchorlink] Anchor Link
[autolink] autolink
[bsalert] Bootstrap Alert
[bsalert] Bootstrap Alert with Header
[code] Code
[color] color
[fa] Font Awesome 6
[fagreen] FA Green
[fared] FA Red
[h3] h3
[header1] Header1
[header1green] header1green
[headerhelp] Header Help
[headerinfo] Header Info
[headerno] Header No
[headerplain] Plain Header
[headeryes] Header Yes
[img2] Image2 NoOption
[img2] Image2
[img2float] Image2 Float
[img2float] img2float
[infobutton] Infobutton
[lbr] Line Break After
[link] Link
[member] Member
[panel] Panel
[panelblock] Panel Block
[panelheading] Panel Heading
[rubric] Rubric
[s] Strikethrough
[small] Small font
[spoiler] Spoiler
[spoiler] Spoiler with title
[table] table
[table] Table (With style)
[table2] table2
[themetag] Theme Tag
[threadthumb] Thread Thumbnail
[threadthumb] Thread Thumbnail (Option)
[thumb] Image Thumbnail
[updated] Updated mod
[urlpopup] urlpopup
[wiki] Wiki
[youtube] Youtube Video Embedding
Incorrect vB Code Usage:
  • [url] [/url] - don't put spaces between the bracketed code and the text you are applying the code to.
  • [email][email] - the end brackets must include a forward slash ([/email])

Bold / Italic / Underline
The [b], [i] and [u] tags allow you to create text that is bold, italic and underlined.
Usage [b]value[/b]
Example Usage [b]this text is bold[/b]
[i]this text is italic[/i]
[u]this text is underlined[/u]
Example Output this text is bold
this text is italic
this text is underlined

The [color] tag allows you to change the color of your text.
Usage [color=Option]value[/color]
Example Usage [color=blue]this text is blue[/color]
Example Output this text is blue

The [size] tag allows you to change the size of your text.
Usage [size=Option]value[/size]
Example Usage [size=+2]this text is two sizes larger than normal[/size]
Example Output this text is two sizes larger than normal

The [highlight] tag allows you to emphasize your text.
Usage [highlight]value[/highlight]
Example Usage [highlight]this text is highlighted[/highlight]
Example Output this text is highlighted

Left / Right / Center
The [left], [right] and [center] tags allow you to change the alignment of your text.
Usage [left]value[/left]
Example Usage [left]this text is left-aligned[/left]
[center]this text is center-aligned[/center]
[right]this text is right-aligned[/right]
Example Output
this text is left-aligned
this text is center-aligned
this text is right-aligned

The [indent] tag allows you to indent your text.
Usage [indent]value[/indent]
Example Usage [indent]this text is indented[/indent]
Example Output
this text is indented

Email Linking
The [email] tag allows you to link to an email address. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link.
Usage [email]value[/email]
Example Usage [email][/email]
[]Click Here to Email Me[/email]
Example Output
Click Here to Email Me

URL Hyperlinking
The [url] tag allows you to link to other websites and files. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link.
Usage [url]value[/url]
Example Usage [url][/url]
[]vBulletin Community Forums[/url]
Example Output
vBulletin Community Forums

Thread Linking
The [thread] tag allows you to link to threads by specifying the thread id. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link.
Usage [thread]threadid[/thread]
Example Usage [thread]42918[/thread]
[thread=42918]Click Me![/thread]
Example Output
Click Me!

Post Linking
The [post] tag allows you to link to posts by specifying the post id. You can include an optional parameter to 'name' your link.
Usage [post]postid[/post]
Example Usage [post]269302[/post]
[post=269302]Click Me![/post]
Example Output
Click Me!

Bulleted Lists
The [list] tag allows you to create simple, bulleted lists without specifying an option. Within the value portion, each bullet is denoted by the [*] tag.
Usage [list]value[/list]
Example Usage [list]
[*]list item 1
[*]list item 2
Example Output
  • list item 1
  • list item 2

Advanced Lists
The [list] tag allows you to create advanced lists by specifying an option. The option should have a value of 1 (for a numbered list) or A (for an alphabetic with capital letters list) or a (for an alphabetic with lowercase letters list) or I (for a numbered with capital Roman numeral list) or i (for a numbered with small Roman numeral list).
Usage [list=Option]value[/list]
Example Usage [list=1]
[*]list item 1
[*]list item 2

[*]list item 1
[*]list item 2
Example Output
  1. list item 1
  2. list item 2
  1. list item 1
  2. list item 2

The [img] tag allows you to embed images within your posts. You can also combine this tag with the [url] tag to maked images become links.
Usage [img]value[/img]
Example Usage [img][/img] (Not linked)

[url=] [img][/img] [/url] (Linked)
Example Output (Not linked)


The [code] tag switches to a fixed-width (monospace) font and preseves all spacing.
Usage [code]value[/code]
Example Usage [code]
<script type="text/javascript">
    alert("Hello world!");
Example Output
<script type="text/javascript">
	alert("Hello world!");

The [quote] tag allows you to attribute text to someone else.
Usage [quote]Quote[/quote]
[quote=User Name]value[/quote]
Example Usage [quote]vBulletin[/quote]
[quote=John Percival]vBulletin[/quote]
Example Output
Originally Posted by John Percival


Create an invisible anchor point within a post which you can then link to directly. For example, you can now link to the "Output" line below by going to
Usage [anchor]value[/anchor]
Example Usage [anchor]AnchorName[/anchor]
Example Output

Anchor Link

Link to an Anchor on the same page. You can use this for making tables of contents for long posts.
Usage [anchorlink=Option]value[/anchorlink]
Example Usage [anchorlink=AnchorName]AnchorLinkText[/anchor]
Example Output [anchorlink=AnchorName]AnchorLinkText[/anchor]


Make a link to any page on MTS which looks like an autolink, with a dotted underline.
Usage [autolink=Option]value[/autolink]
Example Usage [autolink=d/409950]Clean Installer[/autolink]
Example Output Clean Installer

Bootstrap Alert

Puts your chirona in a box.
Usage [bsalert]value[/bsalert]
Example Usage [bsalert]This is an alert[/bsalert]
Example Output
This is an alert

Bootstrap Alert with Header

Puts your chirona in a box with a heading.
Usage [bsalert=Option]value[/bsalert]
Example Usage [bsalert=Heading]Warning! Warning! Entering the danger zone![/bsalert]
Example Output
Warning! Warning! Entering the danger zone!


Makes you look like you know what you're talking about. Also makes code more readable.
Usage [code]value[/code]
Example Usage [code]...---...[/code]
Example Output


This is an MTSStaff-only option
Usage [color=Option]value[/color]
Example Usage color
Example Output color

Font Awesome 6

Usage [fa]value[/fa]
Example Usage [fa]times[/fa]
Example Output

FA Green

Usage [fagreen]value[/fagreen]
Example Usage
Example Output

FA Red

Usage [fared]value[/fared]
Example Usage
Example Output


Usage [h3]value[/h3]
Example Usage [h3]Title[/h3]
Example Output Title


Staff only
Usage [header1]value[/header1]
Example Usage [header1]This is a header[/header1]
Example Output This is a header


Staff only
Usage [header1green]value[/header1green]
Example Usage [header1green]This is a green header! Ha![/header1green]
Example Output This is a green header! Ha!

Header Help

Staff only
Usage [headerhelp]value[/headerhelp]
Example Usage [headerhelp]This header is confused[/headerhelp]
Example Output This header is confused

Header Info

Staff only
Usage [headerinfo]value[/headerinfo]
Example Usage [headerinfo]This header knows what's up[/headerinfo]
Example Output This header knows what's up

Header No

Usage [headerno]value[/headerno]
Example Usage [headerno]Don't do this....[/headerno]
Example Output Don't do this....

Plain Header

Usage [headerplain]value[/headerplain]
Example Usage [headerplain]I am a header[/headerplain]
Example Output I am a header

Header Yes

Usage [headeryes]value[/headeryes]
Example Usage [headeryes]Tick[/headeryes]
Example Output Tick

Image2 NoOption

This tag embeds an image without forcing other content onto the next line, so you can embed two images next to each other.
Usage [img2]value[/img2]
Example Usage [img2][/img2][img2][/img2]
Example Output


This tag embeds an image without forcing other content onto the next line, and allows you to add a tooltip to improve accessibility.
Usage [img2=Option]value[/img2]
Example Usage [img2=green tick][/img2][img2=red cross][/img2]
Example Output green tickred cross

Image2 Float

Usage [img2float]value[/img2float]
Example Usage
Example Output


Usage [img2float=Option]value[/img2float]
Example Usage
Example Output


Usage [infobutton=Option]value[/infobutton]
Example Usage [infobutton=your text]Some text[/infobutton]
Example Output

Line Break After

Force a line break after the bbcode ends
Usage [lbr]value[/lbr]
Example Usage
Example Output


Link to a page on MTS without needing to include in the link. Cookies to anyone who comes up with a use for this code.
Usage [link=Option]value[/link]
Example Usage [link=url]text[/link]
Example Output text


Creates an automatic link to the members profile page.
Usage [member]value[/member]
Example Usage [member]Tashiketh[/member]
Example Output Tashiketh


Usage [panel]value[/panel]
Example Usage [panel]Test[/panel]
Example Output

Panel Block

Usage [panelblock]value[/panelblock]
Example Usage
Example Output

Panel Heading

Usage [panelheading]value[/panelheading]
Example Usage
Example Output


Usage [rubric=Option]value[/rubric]
Example Usage [rubric=4141]Title[/rubric]
Example Output Title


The strikethrough tag allows you to strike through text. No, really!
Usage [s]value[/s]
Example Usage [s]Some Text[/s]
Example Output Some Text

Small font

Displays text smaller than normal.
Usage [small]value[/small]
Example Usage [small]Some small text here[/small]
Example Output Some small text here


Creates a button which users have to click to see whatever you wrote as spoilertext.
Usage [spoiler]value[/spoiler]
Example Usage [spoiler]Spoilertext[/spoiler]
Example Output

Spoiler with title

Creates a button which users have to click to see whatever you wrote as spoilertext. If you include a title, the button will say "Show spoiler about (title)" instead of "Show spoiler".
Usage [spoiler=Option]value[/spoiler]
Example Usage [spoiler=Title]Spoilertext[/spoiler]
Example Output


Table CSV style format using || as a seperator. To make a table, do the following: [table] Heading 1 || Heading 2 || Heading 3 Row 1 Cell 1 || Some data || Some, maybe, data Row 2 Cell 1 || "Hello" || etc [/table] Hint: Rows are seperated with line breaks, cells with ||
Usage [table]value[/table]
Example Usage [table]Heading 1 || Heading 2 (line break) Row 1 Cell 1 || Row 1 Cell 2[/table]
Example Output table

Table (With style)

Table CSV style format using || as a seperator. To make a table, do the following: [table=width:auto;] Heading 1 || Heading 2 || Heading 3 Row 1 Cell 1 || Some data || Some, maybe, data Row 2 Cell 1 || "Hello" || etc [/table] Hint: Rows are separated with line breaks, cells with ||
Usage [table=Option]value[/table]
Example Usage See table definition.
Example Output See table definition.


table2 is the same as table but with a custom line splitter (splits on |-|-| instead of \r\n
Usage [table2]value[/table2]
Example Usage
Example Output

Theme Tag

Usage [themetag]value[/themetag]
Example Usage themetag
Example Output themetag

Thread Thumbnail

Include the thumbnail of a thread. Copy the thread ID from the URL the number after "t=" and before "&" and use that as the value. For example, the Thread ID for the URL, a rocking chair download, is 549228.
Usage [threadthumb]value[/threadthumb]
Example Usage [threadthumb]549228[/threadthumb]
Example Output

Thread Thumbnail (Option)

Usage [threadthumb=Option]value[/threadthumb]
Example Usage
Example Output

Image Thumbnail

Usage [thumb]value[/thumb]
Example Usage
Example Output

Updated mod

Usage [updated]value[/updated]
Example Usage
Example Output


Creates a link which will open in a javascript popup within the current page, instead of as a new page.
Usage [urlpopup=Option]value[/urlpopup]
Example Usage [urlpopup=]Click here![/urlpopup]
Example Output Click here!


Use this code to automatically create a link to the wiki article named in the code.
Usage [wiki]value[/wiki]
Example Usage [wiki]Game Help:TS3 CC Basics[/wiki]
Example Output Game Help:TS3 CC Basicswiki

Youtube Video Embedding

You can embed a youtube video if you know the unique video code. For example, in a URL like: You would take everything after the v= but before the next &, which in this case is "3PjBSicSVqI". Paste this between [youtube] [/youtube] tags and there you go.
Usage [youtube]value[/youtube]
Example Usage [youtube]3PjBSicSVqI[/youtube]
Example Output