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Original Poster
#26 Old 20th Sep 2010 at 11:02 AM
Just follow the link and install DDS Plug-in
Test Subject
#27 Old 19th Jan 2011 at 4:59 AM
Thank you for writing this! It was very easy to follow, I had no trouble at at all.
Test Subject
#28 Old 24th Apr 2011 at 8:00 AM
Kiara24,Best tutorial, thank you I have all turned out!
Test Subject
#29 Old 24th Apr 2011 at 1:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Aleesa666
This tutorial could be a whole lot better actually...they should have links for english only tutorials and other languages specifically. If you cant do it in english dont do it at all. You did a pretty good job though. Pictures help but text does too. 2/5. BTW i dont understand the beginning

I don't usually even bother replying to threads (I press that 'thank you' button, instead, or just let a creator know if their link isn't working), but in this case I am going to open an exception.

I speak as a Custom Content Creator myself who started on TS1 and went a bit MIA for RL work for 10 years, I am now very happy I can return to The Sims (and got 2, 3 1 medieval with all expansions to top).

During these 10 years of MIA, I had the pleasure to visit some countries and the thankfully rare, but utter DISPLEASURE to meet people like you.

Most people from France, Brazil, Portugal, Argentine, Italy, Spain, UK, etc, and even some from US are usually VERY HAPPY when you do NOT demand them -- the natives of a country -- to speak their visitors' language. They appreciate so much the effort you make into speaking their language, they even go out of their way to help you out. Hell, when I arrived in France, instead of demanding and/or yelling at each French person "DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH???" (certain tourists actually DO that!), I grabbed myself a dictionary and went about with a "Je suis desolé, mais je peut pas parlez Français", etc. And I had a wonderful people going out of their way to keep me entertained and helped during work and pleasure times, due to my effort alone. I currently live in France, I still can't claim fluency in French, but I have a great time at nearly all times.

So this girl comes from a Portuguese speaking country, to an ENGLISH speaking forum, - foreigner visitor to your country, per se - doing her best to speak YOUR language, and doing her best to make you a tutorial - this is NOT very easy to do, I have done and translated some and I don't want to mess with it again, believe me -, and all you can do is to do a hateful, ungrateful, humiliating comment such as
Quote: Originally posted by Aleesa666
If you cant do it in english dont do it at all.

Oh for ferk's sakes!!! What is it you want, an entire planet born in US, or just an entire planet that is totally english-literate??? Here, congrats, you just got yourself a ticket to Pluto!!

If you want perfect literacy here, you do have options you know. Make the tutorial yourself, hire under pay someone to do so, or make an english-speakers only community and isolate foreigners, advertising your xenophobia in the process. You can also go look for a better tutorial online, or turn off the page. After all, if it is that bad, why do you even bother trying to follow it? Ah, The "you did pretty well" comment afterwards just added to the humiliation of showing yourself very righteous and condescending.

As for the tutorial maker, here goes a message too.

Kiara, parabéns pelo excelente tutorial, e muito obrigado pela tua boa vontade. E desculpe o meu portugues, é meio ruim!

If you want to know what it says, google it! If you are so good in humiliating foreigners, you must be perfect in googling stuff. Every Yang needs its Ying, after all.

"When the words aren't better than silence, one must choose silence". I have said my piece, now I go back to Lurk Kingdom. But I hope you too will choose silence before humiliating a foreigner's effort on a next time.

A bientot

Original Poster
#30 Old 27th Apr 2011 at 6:53 PM
Obrigada GiuCee!
Thanks GiuCee! Your portuguese is very good!
Test Subject
#31 Old 5th Jul 2011 at 5:23 AM
I have a odd question. I have picked up CAS Texture Tool which you use here and TSR Workshop. I noticed that after working on some makeup (eyeshadow) in Workshop and then pulling all the parts up in CTT that it was not as smooth. So I was woundering if you as creaters feel that when making things with the CTT, that it gives higher quality results than if you use Workshop? Is this because the mesh is shown more along the proper lines of the game in live mode?
Lab Assistant
#32 Old 12th Aug 2011 at 3:35 PM
Doesn't that replace the original lipstick?

Best to be wierd, never be shocked,
Break rules whenever you can't be caught,
Please don't be boring, routines go trough not,
Who cares what you do? Who cares what you say?
That's the altitude, don't be normal... Yay!
Lab Assistant
#33 Old 28th Oct 2011 at 9:34 PM
I know this thread hasn't had a reply for a while but I was just wondering how you do step 5? I don't quite understand how to edit the mask, which colours to use and how you got the lines like that?
Btw it's a great tut, I've already made my first CC lipstick even if it isn't that good lol.

Aw, the poor puddy tat! He fall down and go... BOOM!
I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.
Test Subject
#34 Old 9th Jan 2012 at 4:05 AM
Thank you so much for this tutorial! I'm gonna go try it out right now
#35 Old 7th May 2012 at 9:37 PM
This is a good tutorial, but I didn't understand at ALL the part about editing the mask. Can somebody help explain to me how you're supposed to edit the mask? I know how to open it, I have it open right now, but what do I edit? By the way, I'm using

♫ She's got sunset on her breath, I inhaled just a little bit now I got no fear of death ♫
Test Subject
#36 Old 19th Sep 2012 at 7:07 AM
Default stuck on step 4
Hi, I followed your tutorial up until step 4 when it said "delete the other texture" I'm confused at that part. I'm using photoshop just like you and don't know what to do next.

Please help!

Test Subject
#37 Old 4th Mar 2023 at 3:23 PM
Hello can you make this tutorial again, because the pictures is not available now 😢
Thanks 😊
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