Happy New Year's (2008)! :D

Date Posted: 2nd Jan 2008 at 10:29 AM

Hi all,

The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. :P

Ok, so there haven't been any actual rumors about my death, but I know I haven't been around much, or really participating much in the Sims 2 community as of late. Due to the SecuROM scandalous issues, and my own problems with my poor PC (BSODs and such ), I have sort of taken somewhat of an extensive break from TS2 and modding. Perhaps, when I find the time to stabilize my PC, I'll get back into it. But for now, I do plan to continue updating my mods.

I recently updated two mods, and I will continue to look into any issues that have been reported so far. I also haven't had the time to fully update the Enable Woohoo Wants for Teens mod. I will get around to it eventually, when I find the time. So, I thank you for your patience.

In the meantime, I hope all o' y'all had a happy holidays!


Comments 0
Preliminary Hack Compatibility List for Bon Voyage EP

Date Posted: 6th Sep 2007 at 6:48 AM

Clean (No Update Needed) - According to diffhacks

You may try to use these. Please report any errors, preferably with accompanying error log, in the corresponding thread.

activeworkoutself.package: clean
apologizefix.package: clean
askrelstatuscontroller.package: clean
askrelstatusinteraction.package: clean
callprivateschool.package: clean
dancegoofysocialmotivefix.package: clean
dancefitnessandbodyskilling.package: clean
dancetogetherteensandolder.package: clean
gardenfitnessbodyandfunforsome.package: clean
growuptowniescontroller.package: clean
growuptowniesinteraction.package: clean
hardergrades.package: clean
lightningstrikememory.package: clean
manual-navigation-vampireflyhere.package: clean
nocribdeathbypets.package: clean
nogradmemspam: clean
noindoorcommlotpetscratch.package: clean
nopartyassignment.package: clean
NoRandomCrushHolidayMistletoeTeenAndOlder.package: clean
reducedchancepreghack.package: clean
renuyuorbltwhack.package: clean
savedfromdeathselectablefix.package: clean
sslotlotteryfix.package: clean
sslotfinalsfix.package: clean
syberspunk-spaceshipcarpoolbugfix.package: clean
teensavagehack.package: clean
townieressurectdialog.package: clean
unicareershack.package: clean
vamprocillindpiemenufix.package: clean
zvampirecoffinmod.package: clean

Risky Woohoo - NL version

NL_SS_QuietPregnancy.package: clean
NL_SS_RiskyWoohooInBed.package: clean
NL_SS_RiskyWoohooInCar.package: clean
NL_SS_RiskyWoohooInHotTub.package: clean
NL_SS_RiskyWoohooInPhotoBooth.package: clean
NL_SS_RiskyWoohooInPublic.package: clean
NL_SS_RiskyWoohooTuning.package: clean

Risky Woohoo - OFB version

SS_QuietPregnancy.package: clean
SS_RiskyWoohooInBed.package: clean
SS_RiskyWoohooInCar.package: clean
SS_RiskyWoohooInElevator.package: clean
SS_RiskyWoohooInHotTub.package: clean
SS_RiskyWoohooInPhotoBooth.package: clean
SS_RiskyWoohooTuning.package: clean

Currently, all released mods listed above should be clean and compatible with OFBp2 (and most likely FFSp2).

May Require Update - According to diffhacks - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

adultsgosteadyplusmarriage-traditional.package: may require possible updates:
B 0x7FD46CD0 0x0262 Marriage - Get Engaged/Married
assignbedjteenfix.package: may require possible updates:
P 0x7F827001 0x0081 name unsupported
carpoolbringfrienddialog.package: may require possible updates:
S 0x7F8F4EB6 0x012D name unsupported
moresleepfordormies.package: may require possible updates:
B 0x7F01EC29 0x203D Motive Check - Energy - Failure
B 0x7F4437F2 0x2002 Test - Sleep Available?
moveinall_unidorms.package: may require possible updates:
B 0x7F859641 0x1008 Move In - Allow? New
B 0x7F859641 0x101F Move In - Normal New
S 0x7F859641 0x012D name unsupported
moveoutdormies.package: may require possible updates:
S 0x7F859641 0x012D name unsupported
ownablecarpoolcommlotfix.package: may require possible updates:
B 0x7F4EA230 0x20C6 CommLot - Link Riders
S 0x7F4EA230 0x012D name unsupported
SS_RiskyWoohooInPublic.package: may require possible updates:
B 0x7F48AF7A 0x200F Interaction - Join Play
teenenabledadultwants.package: may require possible updates:
B 0x7F739728 0x1005 CT - Test - Kiss Sim
B 0x7F739728 0x100D CT - Test - Flirt with Sim
B 0x7F739728 0x1026 CT - Generic Test - Romance Capable?
B 0x7F739728 0x1153 CT - Test - Be Flirted With
B 0x7F739728 0x11E9 CT - Test - Ask On Date
Teen Woohoo Wants: may require possible updates:
zHideTryForBabyOptionsWoohooTeens.package: may require possible updates:
B 0x7FEABABA 0x209A Social - Try for Baby - TEST

Might require updating. You can try using them, but I cannot guarantee that they will work. Again, please report any errors, preferably with accompanying error log, in the corresponding thread. This may help me track things down faster if other people managed to find specific errors.

Update Available

None Yet. Tongue


None yet.

Comments 1
My own section on MATY

Date Posted: 21st May 2007 at 7:42 AM

Hello faithful reader

For those of you who don't know, I've finally managed to get my own section on MATY. I encourage you to check it out, but be forewarned, we're not very fond of

So, I recommend lurking around a bit before you decide to actually post. Feel free to read things before actually registering. If you only plan to go there to download hacks, then it is highly recommended that you actually DON'T register. No need to waste database space.

But if you do plan on being an 'active' participant, then I recommend that you definitely lurk around a bit. As with any forum, you really should get a feel of the 'atmosphere' before you jump right on in. Seriously, it's really for your own good. Don't say I didn't warn ya. :D

As for MTS2, I will continue to update my mods here as best as I can. But if you don't see an updated version here immediately, then I suggest checking things out at MATY. Thanks for your feedback and your patience.

Comments 0
Preliminary Hack Compatibility List for Seasons EP

Date Posted: 28th Feb 2007 at 7:42 AM

This is a preliminary based on the diff between EP4p0 and EP5p0. I don't have Seasons yet, and although I plan on getting it, I am not quite sure how soon that will be. It may be sometime next week, or perhaps a little later. Unless I break down and just acquire it temporarily until I get around to it.

ETA: 2/28/2007

WARNING: Also, as a reminder, if you are using the Teen Woohoo wants hack that changes the core files, you might (apparently I was able to install ZOMGPETZ!!!!1111oneoneone last time without reverting... but just in case, why take chances?) need to revert your files back to normal BEFORE installing Seasons. It goes without saying that you won't be able to put the hack back until I get around to updating it.

Clean (No Update Needed) - According to diffhacks

You may try to use these. Please report any errors, preferably with accompanying error log, in the corresponding thread.


Note: Please take special note about the changes regarding Risky Woohoo. The tuning file is now obsolete and currently not supported.


Note: The Uni Careers Hack should currently be compatible (in the sense that it shouldn't break things) but it will definitely be updated to include the new careers from the Seasons EP.

Uni Careers Hack

Currently, all released mods listed above may theoretically be compatible with Seasons. :D

May Require Update - According to diffhacks - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

Might require updating. You can try using them, but I cannot guarantee that they will work in Seasons. Again, please report any errors, preferably with accompanying error log, in the corresponding thread. This may help me track things down faster if other people managed to find specific errors.

Teen Woohoo Wants:

Update Available

Hacks that have been updated for the Seasons EP.



Hacks that are no longer needed, useful, or supported.


With regard to the comm lot carpool fix, I may or may not update that one. I'm still deciding. Let me get through all the other fixes first, and then I may come back to it. :P

Comments 0
Updating my hacks for the new Seasons expansion pack

Date Posted: 25th Feb 2007 at 8:46 PM

Hello all,

I've had a couple of people ask me if I plan on updating my hacks for Seasons. I consider myself somewhat of a "die hard" fan of the Sims 2. So, unless something tragic happens to me, or my computer (*knocks on wood* ) you can most likely rest assured that, as long as there will be Expansion Packs coming out for the Sims 2, I will continue to update and support them.

Having said that, I am unsure yet whether I will be purchasing Seasons this week. I might wait a couple of weeks or so. Furthermore, I am also in the process of purchasing parts for building a shiny new machine to play Seasons on. My compy is 4+ years old, with a mediocre graphics card, so I'm a bit due for an upgrade.

As such, you will have to be patient until I either get Seasons or build my computer and re-install everything. However, if I manage to get a copy of the object code, and the current version of SimPE works (or when a new version for Seasons comes out), I can most likely provide tentative updates of my hacks. I wouldn't be able to personally test them, but theoretically, I could still do the updates.

OTOH, I might just break down and end up getting it right away. We shall see how it goes.

Mood: Confuzzled
Comments 0
Modding Update: Happy Holidays Edition

Date Posted: 23rd Dec 2006 at 7:45 AM

I've been busy with real life lately. Go figure. But I finally decided to release some mods over here at MTS2 that I have released or were kinda testing over at MATY. I thought, 'tis the season and all, so why not share and spread the love and joy and what not. Plus, right now, there are a lot of "new beginnings" (and rebegininnings) happenin for me: got a new job, a new tivo! (my very own personal tivo!!!), a new edition to the family recently (yay for baby nieces!), new video games, renewed motivation in life, love, and the pursuit of happiness! Not to mention, a new year creepin up around the corner. So I figured, why not also start anew with this journal too!

I'll be a lot busier with real life from now on... so I may take a bit of a break. I guess I'll have to see; it will all depend on how well I can manage my time. Anyhew, I still have a few more tricks up me sleeve, a couple of sorta experimental hacks and fixes that are still being tested out somewhat or sort of still works in progress.

Plus... there's the new EP that isn't too far off, assuming it isn't delayed of course. And you know what that means, there will always be more hacks and fixes to come up with. The new EP looks pretty interesting and I'm pretty excited about it. So who knows what modders will come up with next.

Well, Happy Holidays if you're actually readin this. :D

Mood: Luff
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