Date Posted: 24th Sep 2007 at 6:48 PM
Well here it is
SimVeggie's Garden
Some new stuff, some old stuff.
Please read the news and note the CEP link at the bottom, those are important! LOL
If you are using IE and have some trouble, just click the "Show news" "Hide news" bar, for some reason IE sometime loads the downloads from the bottom and all you'll see is the background color. The downloads still work, it just looks funny.
I highly recommend using Firefox, not just so my site looks better!
Some parts just are not up yet and there are a few mistakes, I know about them, but if you have some trouble (and are NOT having the IE bug described) contact me at
This a learning project for my hubbie, I have no idea how it all works, and its not a high priority for him, I can upload things and you can download them, so that I think is the most important
I hope you can find some things you will enjoy for your game!