Journal commentary

Date Posted: 24th Jan 2008 at 4:36 PM

Almost gave up on uploading anything on the site since the "Old Hollywood" contest. I don't upload any custom content because I'm not going to be responsible for crashing someone's game because of something I missed. All lots are play tested for 3 days OR MORE through a bin copy of lot. But the response to the Sims Stars Studios lot really depressed me. Granted, many fantastic custom creations were entered. But an unbelievable amount of effort and research and tweaking went into the Movie lot to make it realistic as possible and to include a space for people use when playing with all the Old Hollywood downloads. No one seemed to care. Did it make me stop playing the Sims? Almost. While the site is dedicated to modding the Sims, my personal feeling is that those who create without custom contents and just want to share their work are very often ignored. However, after I began uploading with no CC and sticking to starters and community lots there has been a huge increase in base game and no CC uploads. Whatever. It's not easy putting oneself out there for people to judge and I applaud all those with the courage to share their creations. Huzzah to those who hack and mod and all that, but to some of us who just want a smooth simple game to play~ it's OK.
Mood: Confuzzled
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